Did Someone Say Turkey?
A Long, Long Time Ago..
Leaves Fall
Scared Yet?
It's All Relative

This characteristic gurgling sound of a male turkey.

What is Gobble Gobble?


This Country celebrated Thanksgiving first.

What is Canada?


This fruit is an iconic representation of fall for it's recognized by colour, taste and for as Cinderella's carriage. 

What is a Pumpkin?


This vegetable was originally used as the first "Jack-O-Lantern". 

What is the Turnip?

People would hollow out turnips and place a lump of coal in it as a type of lantern and set it at their door as a guide for poor "Jack." Jack, legend has it, tricked the devil and wasn't allowed into heaven or hell, so he was cursed to wander the earth forever in the in-between.


This term Autumn/ Fall was not always present. Instead, this was the other name that this season was called. 

What is the Harvest?

Until about 1500, autumn was just called “harvest.”  The full moon closest to the autumn equinox is known as a harvest moon. Before cities electrified, the bright night of the harvest moon was essential for farmers harvesting their late-year crops. 


The Joy of Cooking suggests doing this to the turkey every 30 minutes with butter or pan drippings. 

what is basting?


Canadian Thanksgiving is held on this day each year.

When is the second Monday in October?


Aside from Thanksgiving, fall is most associated with this worldwide celebrated festival. 

What is Halloween?


This is the year that will have Halloween with a full moon. 

What is 2020?

The previous Halloween with a full moon was back in 2001 and after this year, you'll have to wait another 19 years to see another full moon on Halloween night in 2039.


It is because of this reason that people wore Halloween costumes. 

What is to hide from ghosts?

The Celtic tradition believed that ghosts roamed the earth on Halloween. Wearing a disguise would help you evade these spirits.


The crescent & the star on Turkey's flag are 2 traditional symbols of this religion. 

What is Islam?


The traditions of eating turkey and pumpkin didn’t originate in Canada. People from this country introduced the idea of eating these foods on Thanksgiving.

What is America (British Loyalist who escaped from America during the revolution)?


This day officially announces the start of fall; its counterpart being the Spring Equinox.

What is September 22?


Author Bram Stoker was to originally named Dracula this.   

What is Count Wampyr?

Wampyr is the German word for vampire. Stoker changed the name to Dracula after seeing the name in a book he borrowed from the library while on summer vacation in 1890.


Including ground all-spice, the famous Pumpkin Spice is made from these 4 commonly known ingredients.

What are Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg and Cloves?

No pumpkin in pumpkin spice?! Crazy! I know!


This is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck.

What is the wattle?


Of Cranberries, Turkeys, Apples and Pumpkins, this thanksgiving food is not native to Canada.

What are crab apples? 


This tree type is one in a few of its kind whose leaves can be seen to produce an array of colour ranging from light green, green,yellow, orange and red, all on the same tree. 

What is a Maple Tree?


The term “jack o’lantern” originates from this place.

What is Ireland?

The term “jack o’lantern” originates in Ireland from an Irish folktale about a cheap man named “Stingy Jack” who made a deal with the devil.


Commonly mistaken to be due to the distance between that Earth and Sun; it's in-fact this geographical fact that causes the change from Summer to Fall. 

What is out Earth's tilt on it's axis?

When the northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun, we get warmer. When it tilts away, we get colder. Fall and spring are the times of transition.


It's the muscular digestive organ a turkey uses to grind its food; eat up! 

What is the gizzard?


In this province, Thanksgiving is not an official holiday.

What is Nova Scotia?


The red color in these leaves comes from the presence of a chemical called anthocyanins. Aside from the difference in color, this is a significant difference between these leaves chemicals and those that produce a yellow color. 

Why are Yellow phytochemicals present all the time, where red phytochemicals are only produced in autumn? 


This vegetable is part of a tradition on the night before Halloween. 

What is a cabbage?

Cabbage is often used in pranks on Mischief Night, sometimes referred to as Cabbage Night. People would often leave sticky rotten cabbage on neighbors' doors. 


Scientists believe that global warming will cause this Autumn casualty.

What are leaves changing colour?

Leaves change color in part because of cues taken from dropping temperatures. As temperatures remain warmer through fall and winter nights, they could delay the beloved fall color shift;
