Name two things or clothing you would wear "im Regen"? (answer in German)
die Gummistiefel, der Regenschirm, die Regenjacke, der Regenmantel.....
What is the capital of Germany?
Say "5347" (answer in German)
Pick the animal that does not live in Africa = die Giraffe/der Löwe/der Elefant/das Kängeru/das Zebra/die Schlange
das Kängeru
Mutter und Vater; what are they for you? (answer in German)
die Eltern (meine Eltern)
Which "Jahreszeit" brings warmer sunshine, gentle rains and new plant growth? (answer in German)
der Frühling
Where in the house do families cook their meals? Answer in German.
In der Küche
Say in German: On the fourth of July
Am vierten Juli
What type of animal is the German Shepherd? (answer in German)
ein Hund
Find the word:
The noun that describes weather with low visibility.... (answer in German)
Der Nebel
What is Karneval? (answer in English)
A winter celebration with costumes & parades
Read (answer in German)
Thirty-nine divided by three is thirteen
What animal has long ears and a short tail? (answer in German)
das Häschen/Kaninchen
Name the "Jahreszeiten" (answer in German)
Name the months of spring! (answer in German)
März, April, Mai (Juni)
What are the colors in the German flag? (answer in German)
Schwarz Rot Gelb (Gold)
Say: 1:23pm in German (official language)
Dreizehn Uhr dreiundzwanzig
Name an animal that has fangs, is very long and thin, and has no arms or legs. (answer in German)
die Schlange
eine Schwester
Severe weather brings two phenomena. (describe in German)
Donner und Blitz (Sturm & Gewitter)
Where do four to six-year-old children go to "school" in Germany? (answer in German)
Translate: Today is the 3rd October 2024
Heute ist der dritte Oktober zweitausendvierundzwanzig (twentytwentyfour)
What category of animals are dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, guineapig etc.......? (answer in German)
die Haustiere
Spell the animal with the big ears and long nose in German!
der Elefant