Writing 101/2
Anglo-Saxon Literature
Middle Ages
Renaissance Lit
18th Century Lit

This is the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

What is the writing process?


This title references fifth and sixth centuries in Anglo-Saxon England, due to the multiple small kingdoms feuding over land or power.

What is the Dark Ages?


Normans brought with them a French influence on the Old English written and spoken language. 

What is Middle English?


This era marks a time period when individuals moved from the rigid Middle Ages to a society embracing the influences of the classical time period by becoming more open to new processes. 

What is The Renaissance? 


In this era, literature reflected the worldview of the Enlightenment and began to focus on empathy as opposed to judgement and restraint.

What is the Age of Sensibility?


This sentence contains the structure of being one sentence, the last sentence in the introduction, and expresses the main idea of an essay.

What is a thesis statement? 


To make writing sound more beautiful, authors would use this literary device, combining compound phrases used to both name and describe an object or place.

What is kennings?


Poetry, prose, nonfiction, ballads, and medieval romance are types of literature in this era.

What is the Middle Ages?


This ruler attempted to end the persecution of Catholics during their reign.

Who is Queen Elizabeth?


This time period refers to the prioritization of reason and scientific inquiry along with referencing a set of values.

What is the Enlightenment Era?


12 font size, Times New Roman font, Centered Title, One inch margins, Indents in the paragraph are all characteristics.

What is MLA Format?


This type of poem expresses serious contemplation or lament that is often melancholic. 

What is an elegy?


"Marriages is no real excuse for not loving" and "No one can be bound by a double love" are examples of this kind of rules.

What is courtly love?


The name for a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. 

What is a poetic meter?


The Eighteenth Century is known as the Age of Reason because society began to focus on these two aspects instead of accepting what the government and church told them.

What is science and reasoning?


This skill involves making sure each item or action in the series reveals the same grammatical structure.

What is parallel structure?


Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Ecclesiastical History of England can be characterized by this genre of literature.

What is Anglo-Saxon Non-fiction?


This piece of literature holds a structure of incremental repetition, abrupt transitions, often ending with a summary, and second and fourth lines rhyming.

What is a ballad?


Literature containing Three four-line stanzas followed by a concluding couplet and a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg.

What is a Shakespearean/English Sonnet?


The aim of this genre is to combine elements of a medieval romance with the modern novel.

What is Gothic Fiction?


A type of writing used to convey information or explain something, appearing mostly as an academic piece. 

What is an expository essay?


This epic reveals the journey of an Anglo-Saxon hero as he travels to hunt a monster, who continues to threaten a kingdom.

What is Beowulf?


In this tale, a knight discovers women desire the freedom to choose as opposed to anything else from men.

What is Wife of Bath Tale?


A form of drama that deals with a serious theme involving a great protagonist experiencing a downfall due to a character flaw. 

What is a tragedy?


The author credited for writing the first Gothic novel, becoming known as a "Graveyard Poet".

Who is Horace Walpole?
