The scale that has no sharps or flats
What is the C Major scale?
this signature is often referred to as "common time"
What is 4/4 Time?
The first note of a scale
What is the Tonic?
The keyboard keys of A-G
What are the white keys?
The number of notes in a scale
What is 7?
The sound of three notes played simultaneously
What is a Chord?
A device that measures beats per minute to help musicians practice
What is a Metronome?
All 12 equal half steps in a row
What is the Chromatic Scale?
Every other key between
C-E & F-B also known as sharps and flats
What are the Black Keys?
The Dominant 7th of the C major scale
What is the G7 chord?
This note and octave number are the middle of the piano
What is the C4 octave?
2/2 also known as Alla Breve
What is Cut Time?
The major scale with one flat
What is the F Major scale?
A symbol added to a notehead to raise the sound by a whole step represented by an (x)
What is Double Sharp?
A chord made up of three specific notes from the diatonic scale
What is a Triad?
The tool used to identify the number of augmentations in a major or minor scale
What is the Circle of fifths ?
The organization of beats units and measures in a piece of music described by two numbers placed at the beginning of the piece
What is the METER?
The scale with one sharp in the leading tone
What is the G major Scale?
Three notes in order from bottom to top
Root, Third, Fifth
What is a Triad?
Rhythms that are in a division of three five or seven notes often grouped with a bracket
What are Tuplets
The ending of a phrase, section, or piece of music
What is a cadence?
6/8- 9/8- 3/8- 12/8
What are the compound time signatures?
A relationship of movable syllables to identify where notes are in a scale
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
What is Sulfege?
A scale in which the second and sixth note have been removed and a half step added from 4th to 5th
What is the Blues scale?
The interval from C to G made of seven semitones.
What is a Perfect Fifth?