Slot machine at a casino
What is VR? (Variable Ratio)
Number of occurrences
What is Frequency (or Count)
What is a mand?
What is Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence
What are Attention, Access, Escape, Automatic?
FI2 (Fixed Interval 2 weeks)
Amount of time
What is Duration?
What is a Tact?
What is Task Analysis?
Typically displayed on the X axis of a graph
What is the Date?
(BONUS: What is typically displayed on the Y axis?)
Playing Candy Crush on your phone and you get a new life every 15 minutes
What is FI15 (Fixed Interval 15 minutes)?
Number of occurrences divided by time
What is Rate?
Verbal operant in which the verbal antecedent and the response have point to point correspondence
What is Echoic?
What is Motivating Operation?
(BONUS: Name 2 types of MOs)
No longer reinforcing a previously reinforced behaviour while providing reinforcement for an alternative behaviour
What is DRA? (Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviour)
(BONUS: Name 2 other types of DR)
Every time I log into social media I get to watch funny reels
What is FR1 (Fixed Ratio)?
Amount of time between the SD and the start of the response
What is Latency?
What is a Mand?
What is Functional Communication Training?
Phase before teaching has started
What is Baseline?
When I play games on my phone and ads pop up (assuming ads are reinforcing for me)
What is VI (Variable Interval)?
Indicating if the target behaviour occurred AT ALL during a specified interval of time
What is Partial Interval Recording?
(BONUS: Describe Whole Interval Recording)
A verbal operant in which there is a verbal antecedent but no point to point correspondence
What is an Intraverbal?
What is Multiple Stimuli With Out Replacement?
4 types of preference assessments
What are MSWO/MSW, Free Operant, Single Stimulus, Paired Stimulus (Forced Choice)?