Reinforcement or Punishment?
Analyze This:


Applied Behavior Analysis


During session, a parent says that they need to run out to the store down the block for a minute because they ran out of milk. Can you stay with Johnny? Explain yes or no. BONUS: Which ethical code applies?


1.06 & 1.05 multiple relationships and conflicts of interest


A child ask for a cookie politely and is given a cookie, in the future the child always asks for a cookie politely. + or -? BONUS: positive or negative?


BONUS: positive


Measurement method in which the number of occurrences of behavior are recorded. This can be done by tallies, clicks, etc. 

Taking frequency data


A mother goes to the store with her child. The child cries and whines for a toy and the mother buys it. What is the probable function of the child's crying and whining?

Tangibles (the toy)



Pivotal Response Treatment


A parent finds out that it's your birthday! During your session, you make pretend cupcakes with your client. At the end of the session, the parent surprises you with actual cupcakes and wants you to take them home to share with your family during your birthday celebrations! What do you do? 

Try to deny the gift politely as possible. Cultural obligations allow you to accept the gift if it would damage relationship with caregivers, however, it should be said that you're sharing the item with all clinicians. 2.04 - RBTs do not give or receive gifts.


A dad scolds his kid after he pulls the dog's tail and the dog nips his fingers. The child does not pull on the dogs tail again. + or -? BONUS: positive or negative? 


BONUS: positive for both dad and dog. 


Which procedure has a presentation of SD, response, consequence, and inter-trial interval?

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)


A dad tells his son it's time for math homework. The son throws all of his desk supplies at his dad and rips up the homework sheet. What is the probably function of the son's behavior?



Registered Behavior Technician


You're at a school with a client. His teacher asks you to take a class photo and some individual shots of the kids for a classroom project. Later on, the teacher asks to become Facebook friends so you can share all the photos with families of the school because they turned out so well! Is this ethical? Explain yes or no. 

NO. 2.05 RBTs may not share identifying information about clients on social media & 2.07 RBTs protect confidentiality and privacy of clients. Also, it is company policy not to be "friends" with client stakeholders on social media like Facebook. 

I started coughing last night and I sucked on a cough drop. The next day, I started coughing at night again, but not during the day. I took another cough drop. I put cough drops in my bag before I went to sleep so I could take some during the day tomorrow. + or -? BONUS: positive or negative?


BONUS: coughing bx-negative, adding cough drops to bag-positive


The process of testing hypotheses about the functional relations among antecedents, target behavior, and consequences.

Functional Analysis (FA)


A teacher is eating lunch with her students. One of her students finishes his lunch and begins flicking his water bottle straw at his peers. The teacher tells him to stop four times before she tells everyone to line up for class. What is the probable function of flicking water?




Fixed Ratio 1. Reinforcement after every correct response.


During a session, your client engages in tantrum behaviors. As an RBT you collect information using several different methods including ABC data. At the end of the session, you explain a few of the methods of data and what behaviors you observed to the parents. "When I was working with Johnny this afternoon, he was crying and whining for several minutes and even threw himself on the floor. It lasted about 13 minutes. I noticed that it happened right after I placed a demand of finishing his homework. Once he was calm, I just redirected him to a different sheet of homework and he seemed ok with that. Have you seen this before with homework?" Was this ethical? Explain yes or no.


3.06 RBTs provide services and communicate with clients in a simple and easy-to-understand way (including stakeholders). 

Your cat peed in your bed because it's raining outside and you brought home a new stray. You take your cats favorite catnip ball. Your cat doesn't pee in your bed ever again. What happened? BONUS: positive or negative?


BONUS: negative, you took the catnip.


You're teaching a child to wash her hands by turning on the water, getting soap, scrubbing hands together, rinsing hands in water, turning off the water, then drying hands. Clinicians have prompted all steps but the last two. What procedure is this? BONUS: what type?

Chaining using a task analysis.

BONUS: backwards chaining.


Every time Susie coughs, her mother asks if she's ok. Susie coughs several times daily when she is unengaged in activities. Eventually, her mother stops asking Susie if she's ok after she coughs. Susie stops coughing and starts tugging on her mom's shirt. What happened to the coughing behavior? BONUS: If her coughing increases in intensity before ceasing, what happened?


BONUS: Extinction Burst



Differential Reinforcement of Lower rates


You've been working with a family for several months. In each session, the mom starts an essential oil diffuser, and the sessions always smell nice and seem calm. You haven't had any intense disruptive behavior with this client before, nor has any of your other team members. One Tuesday, mom reports that she took Johnny to the developmental peds office and he had several lengthy, loud, disruptive behaviors. Mom is completely confused, because she insists that she remembered to rub the essential oils on his neck before she took him to the office. She wants to know what happened. What do you say? BONUS: cite codes

Start with an empathetic statement. 

"Wow, that sounds like a really rough time at the doctor" 

Address the behaviors observed at the doctors office. Ask about seeing this behavior in any other environment. Ensure parent that you will discuss event with supervisor and encourage parent to talk with supervisor about the experience. Even admitting to the parent that you don't have any experience or knowledge of essential oils is important.

BONUS: 1.01, 1.10, 3.02, 3.03


You post a selfie on Insta, you get no likes or comments. You call your BFF immediately and yell at her to post a comment, she posts one right away. You don't post another pic again, but later that year, you buy a new dress and post because you're going to a wedding in it. What happened? 

Posting a selfie was put on extinction. Spontaneous recovery of selfie posting. 


Your trivia team agrees that if each person scores at least 5 points, they can all go to Disneyland this summer, regardless of winning or losing the tournament. What procedure is this? BONUS: what type?

Group Contingency.

BONUS: interdependent group contingency-each person must complete contingency before the group can participate in reinforcement. 


Johnny loves to ride his bike with his dad every Saturday. During the week when Johnny's aunt is watching him, the weather is really nice outside, so his aunt takes Johnny for a bike ride. Johnny doesn't ride his bike and tantrums when his aunt pulls it out of the garage. Later, Johnny's aunt tells his dad "yeah, we tried riding bikes again, but he wailed! Man, this happens every time!" What is this an example of?

behavior contrast
