These supports meet the needs of approximately 80% of the K-12 learners
Tier 1 Supports
Strategy to improve GROUP demonstration of expected behaviors
Group Contingencies
Modifying the task to compensate for a student's ability
Changing Task Difficulty
A reinforcement schedule in which Johnny receives a piece of candy for every three minutes he demonstrates on-task behavior.
Fixed Interval of 3
Using assigned seats and ensuring all students are viewable is an example of this type of classroom intervention
These supports meet the needs of approximately 15% of learners
Tier 2 Support
The Tier in which group contingencies are most often used within a multi-tiered system
Tier 1 and/or Tier 2
Including Student Interests
A reinforcement schedule in which Sally receives a star on her star chart after raising her hand to share approximately every 3 times
Developing and teaching classroom routines/procedures
These supports meet the needs of approximately 5% of K-12 learners
Tier 3 Supports
One student or a small group earning a reward for the whole class by demonstrating expected behaviors
Providing easier requests before more difficult requests
High-P, Low-P sequences
A reinforcement schedule in which Timmy gets five minutes of free time after completing 8 minutes, 9 minutes, and 10 minutes of independent work.
Using a response pattern to ensure all students are called on and prompting choral responses from students are examples of this classroom-level intervention
Tiered system that emphasizes improving classroom behaviors
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Students earn the reward individually when they meet the behavior expectation
Independent Group Contingency
Incorporating a daily schedule of events
A reinforcement schedule in which Rachel receives a token each time she chooses an appropriate alternative to aggression when she feels frustrated.
Fixed Ratio of 1
Behavior specific praise
Assessment data collected at the tertiary (or Tier 3) level
indirect and direct data
The whole class or group earns a reward when every member of the group demonstrates the expected behavior
Interdependent Group Contingency
Providing options for the student to select from
Opportunities for choice
If the schedule of reinforcement is thinned too quickly and the appropriate response doesn't persist or continue to occur.
Ratio Strain
Withholding attention from a student when he demonstrates an undesired behavior while providing reinforcement to the student for hand raising
Differential Reinforcement