Measurement & Documentation
Functions of Behavior
Skill Aquisition
Punishment vs Reinforcement

This is how you measure how many times a behavior has been observed.

What is frequency data?


What are the 4 functions of behavior?

Attention, access, automatic, escape


Gabriela Medina likes to sing “Espresso” throughout her session. At first, Lords Bekah and Melina would sing along and have great fun—but now, they wish Gabriela would stop singing and get to work. Gabriela attempts to start a sing-a-long multiple times per session now! What procedure might they use to reduce or eliminate the singing behavior?


BONUS 50: How do you put a behavior on extinction?


In ABA, the B stands for "behavior" and must always be these two things.

Observable and measurable


This makes an item or activity a reinforcer.

When it reliably increases behavior


This is how you measure how long a behavior occurs.

What is duration?


Melina hates eating vegetables and often throws them to the floor when they are served to her. What is the function of this behavior?



Medina is working with a client who frequently leaves the area without permission in order to access new toys. Throughout the session, Medina frequently prompts her client to transition to the play center and allows client to pick new items at that time. What is this?

An antecedent strategy!

BONUS 50: What is an antecedent strategy for swiping?


When attempting to reduce a behavior, it is important to know your ABC's prior to starting a behavior plan.

What are Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence? BONUS: 200pts - Define each of these!


Kammy is a huge fan of snickers. When she raises her hand to answer questions, Lord Bekah delivers a fun size bar! Now, Kammy usually raises her hand instead of yelling out of turn. What kind of reinforcement is this?

Positive reinforcement


Every 5 minutes, you are recording whether or not Erica is staying in her seat for the entire 5 minutes over the course of a 30-minute class and then calculating how much time she remained seated. You are using what type of recording procedure?

Whole interval recording


Rebekah loves watching Love Island, and does so every night. Melina tells her she has to miss the next episode for a mandatory meeting, and Rebekah calls out of work. What is the function of this behavior?



Melina puts a dollar into the vending machine and tries to select a monster. The vending machine does not respond. Melina pushes the button repeatedly for a while, then gives up and walks away. What is this an example of?

Extinction burst


Mary is trying to do DTT with her client, but he does not seem to be motivated by any of the toys she has brought to the session. She has no idea how to engage him-- what can she do to determine what reinforcers might work?

A preference assessment


Gabriela Medina has been stealing chairs! She tried to take Lord Bekah’s chair, and Lord Bekah gave her a detention. Medina no longer steals chairs. What is this an example of?

Positive punishment


Melina wants to know how long it takes Medina to come to the table once asked. She starts a timer when she places the demand, and stops it when Medina comes to the table. 



Janice enjoys telling jokes during class instruction time, especially when she gets a big laugh. What is the function of this behavior?



Medina and Bekah are playing with blocks. While playing, Medina is labeling the color and size of the blocks for Bekah. What is this an example of?



Melina engages in furniture climbing frequently throughout session. Bekah decides to give Melina an M&M every 5 minutes, regardless of Melina's behavior, as long as she does not engage in furniture climbing. What kind of reinforcement is this?

Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO)


Gabriela Medina stole Lord Melina’s lunch! Melina takes Gabriela’s lunch break away and makes her work straight through her shift. Gabriela does not steal lunch again. Revoking lunch break privileges is an example of what?

Negative punishment


Prompting hierarchy from least to most intrusive is:




Partial physical

Full physical

BONUS- Which type of non-intrusive prompt is not listed? It is used before physical prompting, but its place in the hierarchy is determined by client preferences and needs.


Melina has a mosquito bite on her wrist! She scratches it throughout the day. What is the function of this behavior?



A structured ABA technique that breaks down skills into small components is called:

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT or DTI)


Amanda often engages in physical aggression when she has to wait for preferred items. Her therapist prompts her to wait with her hands in her lap when this behavior occurs. She delivers the preferred item early when Amanda does not engage in physical aggression, and instead immediately puts her hands in her lap. What kind of reinforcement is this?

Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI)


Medina gets into her car without putting her seatbelt on. As she begins driving, her car starts making a loud beeping noise! She puts on her seat belt and the buzzer stops. In the future, Medina puts her seatbelt on before driving. What is this an example of?

Negative reinforcement
