Role Play
Data Collection

Reinforcing gradual changes or approximations in a Bx so it begins to look like the target behavior



Role Play a work session following an FR5 schedule

(complete 5 programs then give R+)

What is the Prompt Hierarchy from MOST to LEAST intrusive?

Full physical, partial physical, gestural, modelling, verbal, independent


What the 4 Principles of Reinforcement?

Deprivation, Immediacy, Size, Contingency


Give examples Capturing and Contriving teaching moments for NET

Capturing: naturally occurring situations (blocking a toy they're reaching for, manding for utensils during eating)

Contriving: does not naturally occur (getting toys off of tall shelf, hiding puzzle pieces, sing song incorrectly)


Reinforcing in the presence of one stimulus and not in the presence of another

Discrimination Training 

*Bonus*--Describe Simultaneous (both stimuli are present at once...2 options, "touch the dog") and Successive (hold up one option, "what is it?") (100 pts)


Role Play a forward chain procedure for hand-washing

"Wash your hands"...let them turn the water on independently, then physically prompt them to get soap, scrub hands, rinse hands, turn water off, get paper towel, dry hands, throw it away


What is the difference between frequency, duration, and latency?

Frequency--# of times behavior occurs

Duration--how long a behavior occurs

Latency--time between Sd and response


What is the 3-term contingency?

Discriminating Stimulus -> Response -> Reinforcing Stimulus


Describe EO and AO

EO-establishing operation, increases the effectiveness of a reinforcer, deprivation

AO-abolishing operation, decreases effectiveness of a reinforcer, satiation


Define Pairing 

Establishing yourself as a reinforcer.

*Bonus* Why do we pair? -->To gain instructional control (100 pts)


Role Play ECTER and Errorless Teaching

ECTER: Error, Correction, Transfer, Distractors, Return

Errorless: Present demand and immediately prompt, distractors, return


What is the difference between partial interval recording, whole interval recording, and momentary time sampling?

Partial--if the behavior occurs at any point during the interval

Whole--if the behavior occurs for the entire interval

MTS--if the behavior is occurring at the end of the interval


List 3 differences between DTT and NET

DTT is lead by teacher, NET is lead by client; DTT is planned R+, NET has R+ that naturally follows; DTT has to establish MO, NET has client already motivated; DTT has set amount of targets, NET is less rigid and controlled by learner


List 3 types of Transfer Procedures

1. Transferring control from prompt to the SD

2. Transferring between verbal operants

3. Transferring instructional control from one Tx to another


Describe Extinction, Extinction Burst, and Spontaneous Recovery

Extinction: Withholding R+ from a previously reinforced behavior

Extinction Burst: a temporary increase in the rate of a Bx following implementation of extinction

Spont.Rec: reappearance of extinguished Bx after extinction


Role Play DRI, DRA, and DRO for a client who is engaging in skin-picking behavior

DRI: clap hands, sit on hands, etc

DRA: stress ball, fidget toy

DRO: Reinforce every 10 seconds when NOT doing skin-picking


What the four functions of behavior, and what can we use to help determine the function?

Escape, Attention, Tangibles, Sensory; ABC Data or Functional Behavior Assessment


We know that a target has been mastered if the client can generalize it across ____, ____, ____, and ____.

Multiple people, multiple environments, multiple stimuli, and multiple SD's

*Bonus* What is intermixing? 80% mastered, 20% acquisition (100 points)


Describe what the X-axis, Y-axis, Trend Lines, and Phase Lines on a graph represent

X-axis represents a measure of time

Y-axis represents measure of behavior

Trend lines represent the increase/decrease of the Bx over time

Phase lines represent a change that effects the behavior


Describe Positive/Negative Reinforcement and Positive/Negative Punishment

Pos. R+: adding stimulus to strengthen Bx

Neg. R+: removing stimulus to weaken Bx

Pos. Pun: adding stimulus to weaken Bx

Neg. Pun: removing stimulus to weaken Bx


Role Play the 4 Preference Assessments

Single Stimulus: "Do you want the ____?"

Forced Choice: "Do you want ___ or ___?"

MSW: 3 or more items in array, after it's chosen it is available in next trial

MSWO: 3 or more items in array, after it's chosen it is not available in next trial


Recite a possible example of a complete session note.

Client appeared well upon arrival. Client was able to independently _______. Client required V/G/M/PP/FP prompts to ____. Client engaged in maladaptive behaviors when ____. Client independently ____. Data to complete this session was recorded in Rethink and it is recommended ABA therapy continue per plan of care.


List and describe the 7 verbal operants

Mand (request), tact (identify), LR (following directions), LRFFC (distinguish between feature, function, class), Echoic (repeat), Intraverbal (fill-in-the-blank), VPMTS (matching), Imitation (copying movements)


List 5 items that you will find in a Behavior Support Plan

FBA results, operational definitions, hypothesized functions, antecedent interventions, replacement behaviors, how to respond to behaviors, crisis plan, method for data collection

*Bonus*--What do operational definitions need to be? (Measurable, objective, measurable) (100 pts)
