Differential Reinforcement

This method of prompting allows for the least amount of error to teach the target behavior.

Errorless Learning


How many functions are there for a behavior and what are the they?

4, Sensory (Automatic), Escape, Attention, and Tangibles. (SEAT)


What does DRO, DRA, and DRI stand for?

Differential Reinforcement of Other, Alternative, and Incompatible Behaviors


The client engages in throwing paper. The RBT teaches the client to throw the paper into the trash like a basketball. This is an example of what?

Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors


What is this difference between "Mouthing" and "PICA"?

Mouthing is putting a nonedible item in your mouth. Pica is swallowing a nonedible item.

The RBT is attending a family outing and the RBT is trying to teach the client to push the cart. After giving the SD "Push the cart", the client stares at the RBT and starts to laugh. After 5 second, the RBT grabs the cart and pushes it. After pushing the cart for some time, the RBT restates the SD "Push the Cart." The client then begins pushing the cart. The RBT reinforces the client. What prompt is being used here?

Model Prompting 


The RBT gives the SD of "Time for circle time." The client engages in a dropping to the floor, kicking and screaming. This is an example of what function?



What does "ABC" mean?

Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence.


The client engages in crying behaviors during DTT's. The RBT reinforces the client for completing the work. This is an example of what Differential Reinforcement?

Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors

How many verbal operants are there and what are they?

4. Mands, Echoics, Intraverbals, and Tacts


What is the purpose of prompt fading?

Promote Independency/Reduce prompt dependency 


The client likes to crash cars during play time. When the cars crash the RBT looks at the client and the client laughs. This is an example of what function?



What does "NET" mean?

Naturalistic Environmental Teaching


The client engages in physical aggression during nonpreferred activities. The RBT teaches the client "quiet hands" (interlocked fingers) during nonpreferred activities. This is an example of what?

Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors


Your BCBA creates a new program and you do not know how to implement it. What should you do in this situation?

Talk to your BCBA and ask them to model the program. 


During DTT's, the RBT is trying to use teach a skill using picture cue cards in an array of 3. After the RBT stated the SD "Give me.....", the client stares at their hands. After 5 seconds, the RBT picks up the picture cards and places them down again. One of the cue cards is closer to the client and the RBT states the SD "Give me...." Again the client stares at their hands. The RBT picks up all the picture cards and places only the correct card down and states "Give me....." The client then gives the RBT the correct card. What prompts are being used in this example?

Positional and Isolated Prompts


Another RBT asks their client to "clap hands." After the client claps their hands and is given an edible reinforcement, your client claps their hands without being told and holds their hand out.

Tangible (Access)


What does "FI", "FR", "VR", and "VI" stand for?

Fixed Ratio and Interval (Set Number and Time) and Variable Ratio and Interval (Average Number and Time)


In ABA, what does Negative, Positive, Reinforcement, and Punishment mean?

Remove, Add, Increase, and Decrease


Tom, the RBT is trying to teach his client to wash his hands. Tom hand over hand prompts the client all the steps of handwashing but the final step (Throwing the paper towel away). This is an example of what?

Backward Chaining


What are the levels of prompting and the order from Least to Most

Model, Visual, Gestural, Partial then Full Verbal, and Partial then Full Physical prompts


During a nonpreferred group game, the client engages in nail biting right before each time the client has a turn. This is an example of what function? 

Escape and Sensory/Automatic (Multifunctional Behavior)


What does "PECS" stand for

Picture Exchange Communication System


True or False: The client writes their name and the RBT reinforces with high energy verbal praises paired with psychical interaction. The next time the client is told to write their name. They throw the pencil from the table. The praising was reinforcing.



During nonpreferred activities, the client will engage in physical aggression. Prior to the transition to nonpreferred activities, the RBT asks the client what they want to work for and then states "If we want..... Then, we need quiet hands." The client completes nonpreferred activity without engaging in physical aggression. What strategies are used? 

Antecedent Manipulation, Premack Principle, Preference Assessment
