Fixed Ratio
reinforcement is given after a consistent number of responses
Breaking down complex behaviors into smaller, manageable steps
A request or demand that is made when motivation is present and is reinforced by access to the requested/demanded stimulus
Functions of Behavior
Escape, Access (Tangible), Automatic (Sensory), Attention
Because the exchange of gifts can lead to conflicts of interest and multiple relationships, RBTs do not give gifts to or accept gifts from clients, stakeholders, or supervisors
Variable Ratio
reinforcement is given after an average number of responses
teaching occurs in the natural environment, using the learner's naturally occurring motivation for the task (can be contrived)
describing or labeling of a stimulus present in the environment which may occur spontaneously or upon request, reinforced by generalized conditioned reinforcement
no longer providing reinforcement for any behavior that had previously been reinforced
RBTs avoid multiple relationships with clients, coworkers, and supervisors. Multiple relationships occur when there is a mixing of two or more relationships (e.g., friend, family member, employee/employer) that may result in conflicts of interest and risk of harm to the client
Fixed Interval
reinforcement is delivered after the first response after a consistent amount of time has passed
Systematically teaching skills one by one using repetition in a controlled setting. Consists of the presentation of the instruction (SD), the learner's response, and a consequence (i.e., reinforcement or error correction).
a verbal response that is evoked by a verbal stimulus, does not have point to point correspondence (not identical to the stimulus)
Preventing a client from engaging in a response
RBTs do not use unfamiliar interventions or provide services to unfamiliar client populations unless they have received proper training.
Variable Interval
reinforcement is delivered after the first response after an average amount of time has passed
Incidental Teaching
Taking the opportunity to teach a skill during a time it naturally occurs and a learner is motivated to engage in the skill (is never contrived)
Listener Responding
understanding and responding to the verbal behavior of others (i.e., following an instruction, non vocally responding to a question)
Differential Reinforcement
Reinforcing predetermined responses(s) while placing others on extinction
RBTs implement restrictive or punishment-based procedures only when included in a documented behavior-change plan and after their supervisor has verified their competence.
Noncontingent Reinforcement
providing reinforcement to a person on a predetermined schedule, regardless of their behavior
reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal target response while placing previous responses on extinction
repeating or imitating sounds, words, or phrases that are presented by others (must have point to point correspondence)
Differential Reinforcement Schedules
DRA (alternative responses reinforced)
DRO (nonoccurrence of a specific response is reinforced)
DRI (incompatible responses reinforced)
DRH (higher rates of a behavior are reinforced, only reinforce after a predetermined number of responses)
DRL (lower rates of behavior are reinforced, reinforce a reduced number or responses in a given time or reinforce when there is a longer time between responses)
RBTs take necessary actions to protect clients when they become aware that a client’s legal rights are being violated or that there is risk of harm to a client. In these instances, RBTs report the matter to their supervisor, follow organization policies, and document these actions. In some instances, RBTs may need to contact relevant authorities (e.g., law enforcement, BACB, licensure board).