teacher led work
A: Stevie wants candy and his mom has told him no
B: Stevie falls to the floor, screams "whyyyyy" and aggresses towards his mom
C: His mom gives him the candy
Access to tangible
a stimulus that a patient typically doesn't like, it is referred to as an
aversive stimulus
any instance of Justice removing things from the original environment and ripping/breaking/snapping something in more than 1 piece
property destruction
Attempt to perform a task that is even slightly better than the previous performance
successive approximation
patient led work
A: Dune is playing with a friend and the friend is wanting to play with a different item than what dune wants to play with
B: Dune throws a toy at his friends head
C: Dune and his friend end up fighting
reinforcement given only on condition that they engage in target behavior
any instance of Savanna making a sound above conversational tone, with or without tears accompanied with the noise
screaming/inappropriate vocalization/crying/whining
Diagnosed with multiple diagnoses at the same time
contrived teaching style
incidental teaching
A: George is playing by himself
B: George bangs his fist on the table
C: George continues playing
length of time of a target behavior
any instance of Teyana hitting with open or closed palms, scratching or kicking another individual
physical aggression
Repetitive movements of objects or motor mannerisms which may include rocking, hand flapping, clapping or laughing out of context
stereotypic behavior/stimming
decreases value of an item, what operation is this
A: Judd sees a friend has lightning McQueen when he wants to play with it
B: Judd throws cars and car ramps at his friend and therapist
C: Judd gets removed from the room
Access to tangibles
a sudden increase in behavior seen after extinction
extinction burst
any instance of Chris putting something past the plane of his lips (w/ or w/o tongue making contact)
Building a relationship to increase the likelihood of your patient engaging in desired behaviors
instructional control
increases value of an item what operation is this
A: Chris is playing bed wars with his friend and his friend throws the controller at him
B: Chris bites his friend
C: Chris doesn't want to play with him again
a learned behavior that can be engaged in across environments
generalized behavior
any instance of Dannee saying 'no' or 'all done' when given a demand
refusal/verbal protest
Reinforcement given regardless of target behaviors occurring or not
non contingent reinforcement