What is doctor?
The meaning of this abbreviation: CA
What is California?
The meaning of this abbreviation: St.
What is street?
The meaning of this abbreviation: min.
What is minute?
The meaning of this abbreviation: LOL
What is "laugh out loud?"
The meaning of this abbreviation: Mr.
What is Mister?
The meaning of this abbreviation: TX
What is Texas?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Ave.
What is avenue?
What is hour?
The meaning of this abbreviation: SMH
What is "shake my head"? or "shaking my head"
The meaning of this abbreviation: Mrs.
What is Mrs.?
The meaning of this abbreviation: AZ
What is Arizona?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Blvd.
What is boulevard?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Dec.
What is December?
The meaning of this abbreviation: IDK
What is "I don't know"?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Jr.
What is junior?
The meaning of this abbreviation: N.Y.C.
What is New York City?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Ct.
What is court?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Fri.
What is Friday?
The meaning of this abbreviation: BFF
What is "Best friends forever"?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Prof.
What is professor?
The meaning of this abbreviation: NM
What is New Mexico?
The meaning of this abbreviation: FWY
What is freeway?
The meaning of this abbreviation: Jan.
What is January?
The meaning of this abbreviation: DM
What is "direct message"?