A vanilla cookie with caramel, coconut, and fudge
Caramel delight
What was the first Girl Scout cookie ever sold?
Simple Sugar Cookie
True or False: It is ok to leave the cookie booth to go to the restroom with another Girl Scout.
True or False- If a customer asks you for your phone number do you give it to them if you don't know who they are?
False- never give your personal information out.
True or False- You should dress for the weather and wear your uniform at all cookies booths
What is the name of the only gluten-free cookie we sell?
Caramel Chocolate Chip
How much does a package or box of the cookies on your form cost?
How much do the Gluten Free cookies cost?
What is the #1 most important safety rule when selling Girl Scout Cookies?
Never sell alone.
How much do 3 boxes of GS cookies cost?
Name two types of peanut butter cookies
Peanut Butter Patties
Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Name the Girl Scout cookie with a citrus taste.
What is the name of the other Baker who makes Girl Scout Cookies?
Little Brownie Bakers
Never walk up to ---- or go into ------ when selling Girl Scout Cookies.
Cars / Alleys
What is one thing you can wear that will identify you as a Girl Scout?
Uniform or Insignia tab
What is the most popular Girl Scout cookie?
Thin Mints
This is the last year for this Girl Scout Cookie.
Toast Yay!
How many varieties of Girl Scout Cookies does ABC Bakers bake for our sale?
Never enter the ____ of a customer if they are not family/close family friends or if you do not know them.
A customer owes me $15.00 for the cookies he bought, how many boxes did he buy
3 boxes
What bakery makes Girl Scout cookies in our area?
ABC Bakers
Which Girl Scout Cookies are Vegan Friendly?
Toasty Yay!
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter Patties
GF Caramel Chocolate Chip
What is the Mascot for this year's Girl Scout Cookie Sale?
Always use your _____ when selling Girl Scout Cookies.
You are signed up to run a cookie booth, but become sick that morning. What should you do?
Tell your Leader and/or Troop Cookie Manager so they can find someone else.