The ceremonial mace carried at the head of processions during special events is handcrafted with wood from a 600-year-old oak tree from which Texas city?
Where is the smallest bone in the body found?
Perot Musuem, Arboretum, Comet Tutors
Where are we volunteering in March?
Perot Musuem
What year did UTD accept its first freshman class?
Which fruit becomes radioactive when it decays?
What did we sell at our last fundraiser?
Boba tea
When is the monthly newsletter sent out?
Third week of the month
When was Temoc born?
What is the most efficient shape in nature?
Who is the VP of Achivements?
Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair
During ring ceremonies, students are invited to do what with their rings in the trellis?
Dunk their rings into the circular pool
What is the rough ratio of human cells to bacteria cells in the body?
Who is our faculty sponsor?
Dr. Sandhya Gavva
Name one section the monthly newsletter covers.
Science News, Reseach Highlight, Club Announcements
During finals week, students rub the sculpture of which UT Dallas founder for good luck?
Cecil H. Green's head outside Cecil H. Green Hall
Around what percentage of your brain is made up of fat?
Which year and semester did ABC become a club?
Fall 2023
If you would like to be featured in the monthly newsletter, when should you submit the google form by?
The Monday the week before the newsletter goes out