US History- The stars on the American flag stand for this
What is each state? (One star for each state in the U.S.)
What is the process of cell division?
What is Mitosis?
David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
Who is David ?
What do you lose when you do something cringe?
What is Aura?
5 sisters and a mom worth over 3 billion dollars
Who is Kardashian/ jenner family?
Math- How many seconds are in 2 minutes?
what is 120?
How many chromosomes are in all human cells?
what is 46?
What can you catch, but not throw?
what is a cold?
What popular resurfacing meme says "where were you during senior photos"
What is Hyperpigmentation meme?
Which artist has the most Grammy wins?
Who is Beyonce?
English- What is the phrase called when you write it under a photo (hint:instagram)
What is Caption?
Who is most credited for developing the theory of evolution?
Who is Charles Darwin?
In a race, you just ran past the third. What place are you in?
What is third place?
Like watching streamers eat ? Then youre into popular video genre which translates into "eating show"
What is Mukbang?
This famous actor has played roles from a vampire to Batman and has made music
Science- These living things absorb carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen
What are plants?
proteins are made in the cytoplasm of a cell, where as DNA is found only in the____?
What is nucleous?
I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
what is a barber?
Finish the sentence from iconic dad and son duo known for their Costco videos ..."Oh we're so sorry to hear about your brother that passed, he gets...
what is "he gets 5 big booms, BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!"?
Fans of this Prime Video (coming of age) series, debate between team Conrad and team Jeremiah just like Belly does
Math- Two quarters, 3 dimes, 4 nickels, and 10 pennies equals this much money
What is $1.10?
What is the product of the Calvin Cycle?
What is Glucose(sugar)?
Where does today come before yesterday?
What is a dictionary?
What is the word for when you give too many compliments ?
What is Glazing
Two blockbuster movies started a culture phenomenon when they both released on July 21 2023
What is Barbenheimer?