& values list
Positive Experiences
mental health trivia

True or False: A; When you accumulate positive experiences, events, and valued behavior patterns, you build a wall between you and the sea of emotional dyscontrol.

What is true. 


True or False: Refocus on the positive when necessary

What is true.


True or false: Accumulating positive experiences short terms: Do pleasant things that are possible in the future. 

What is false; Do pleasant things that are possible right now. 


What is a baby goat called?

What is A kid


Individuals often overestimate how much others notice and pay attention to their appearance, actions, or mistakes. Understanding this bias can help alleviate social anxiety. 

a. The Zeigarnik effect

b. The spotlight effect

c.  The Mandela effect

What is b. The spotlight effect


True or False: PLEASE: A set of skills that will help you take care of your body by taking care of your mind.

what is false; other way around


Name 1 activity from the pleasant activity list. 

What is:

Soaking in the bathtub, Thinking about how it will be when school ends, Going out with friends, Relaxing, Going to a movie, Going running, Listening to music, Lying in the sun (with sunscreen), Reading, Saving money, Planning the future, Dancing, Fixing or cleaning things around the house, Having a quiet night, Cooking good food, Taking care of your pets, Going swimming, Writing, Drawing or doodling, Playing sports, Going to a party, Talking with friends, Working out, Singing, Going ice skating, Going to a beach, Playing a musical instrument, Traveling, Making a gift for someone, Downloading music or new apps, Watching sports on TV, Going out to dinner, Baking, Buying clothes, Getting a haircut or styling your hair, Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, coffee, or tea


It is hard to be happy without a life experienced as “______ _______”.

What is "worth living"


What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?

What is peach


The debate surrounding the relative importance of genetics and environmental factors in shaping human behaviour continues. Research shows that both factors play significant roles. What is it called? 

________ vs. _________

What is nature vs. nuture


How many hours of sleep a night should you be getting? What letter does this fall under?

What is 7-9 & S (balanced Sleep)


Don’t destroy positive experiences by __________

What is worrying


Accumulating positive events in your life, and practicing the other skills, will help increase your ____________.

What is resilience. 


On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day?

What is Open the fridge


1 in ___ women and 1 in ___ men admit to sleeping with a cuddly toy on a regular basis.

what is:

1 in 5 women

1 in 20 men


What does ABC stand for? 

What is:

•Accumulating positive experiences

•Build mastery

•Cope ahead of time with emotional situations

Name 1 value from the Wise Mind Values & priority list?

What is:

Contribute, Attend to Relationships, Be a part of a Group, Build Character, Be responsible, Achieve Things, Learn, Have fun, Be a Leader, Be Healthy, Strive for Moderation.


Name which is not one of the 7 steps to building positive experiences now. 

1.Do at least one pleasant thing a day

2.Use problem solving skills

3.Plan pleasant events as they happen. 

4.Practice opposite action when necessary

5.Don’t think in terms of “deserving” and “not deserving”

6.Positive events are reinforcing

7.Avoid Avoiding

What is 3.Plan pleasant events as they happen. IT IS:  3.Plan pleasant events ahead of time. 


How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum?

What is 9,000 years


What is Schadenfreude mean?

(hint: Ted Lasso, the word is German)

What is this German word refers to the pleasure or satisfaction one may feel when witnessing the misfortune or suffering of others. It reveals the complex nature of human emotions.


What does PLEASE stand for?

What is: 

•Treat PhysicaL Illness.

•Balance Eating

•Avoid Mood-Altering Substances.

•Balance Sleep.

•Get Exercise.


What is one way to be unmindful of worries?

(hint: Do Not Focus On)

What is:

•When the positive experience will end.

•Whether you deserve this positive experience.

•How much more might be expected of you now.


Name 1 of the steps from building a life worth living?

(hint: 7, extra 100 points each for the other 6 steps correct)

1.Avoid Avoiding

2.Identify values that are important to you

3.Decide whether your values are really your own

4.Identify one value to work on now

5.Identify a few goals related to this value

6.Choose one goal to work on now

7.Identify small action steps toward your goal

8.Take one action step now


What do you call a group of unicorns?

What is A blessing


What is Hippopotomostrosesquippedaliophobia?


What is the fear of long words?
