The Unemployment Relief Act passed on March, 31, 1933, led to the creation of what?
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) *Provided employment in fresh-air government camps for 3 million young men. Work included: reforestation, firefighting, flood control, and swamp drainage.
What two programs did the National Industrial Recovery Act, created June 16, 1933, create?
What is PWO (Public Works Administration) and the NRA (National Recovery Administration)
What program challenged the cost of electricity and created hydroelectric power in the Tennessee Valley Region?
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) *It was criticized for its bad book keeping and the absence of taxes.
What did the Good Neighbor Policy promise?
What is America would become non-involved with Europe and withdraw from Asia, giving up its world power to focus on South America. *FDR attempted to be more friendly and wouldn't use force on South America. Also lowered the Hawley-Smoot Tariff and lowered existing rates by as much as 50%, prompting other countries to do the same.
FDR believed in the prohibition: True or False?
What is False *FDR repealed the prohibition with the 21st amendment
Federal Emergency Relief Act, passed on May 12, 1933, created what administration?
What is the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) *Provided state assistance for unemployed and their families, and provided work for over 20 million people.
The NRA was the most complex and far reaching effort by the New Deal in that it...
What is established maximum amount of hours along with a minimum wage. *Also guaranteed the rights of collective bargaining.
What program cushioned future depressions, provided security for old age, and gave provisions to the blind, physically handicapped, delinquent children, and other dependents?
What is the Social Security Act of 1935.
What are the 3 stipulates of the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937? *These restrictions automatically went into effect when the president proclaimed the existence of a foreign war.
What is 1. No American could sail on a belligerent ship. 2. No American can sell or transport munitions to a belligerent ship. 3. No American can make loans to a belligerent.
Eleanor Roosevelt and FDR were: 1st cousins 3rd cousins 5th cousins No relation
What is 5th cousins *When FDR became ill Eleanor stepped up and became the presidents "eyes and ears". She also would sign his name on different things for him when he couldn't.
What did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) passed May 12, 1933, do for farmers?
What is the establishment of "parity prices" for basic commodities. *Parity - the price set for a product that gave it the same real value, in purchasing power, that it had enjoyed during the period from 1908 - 1914. Eliminated price-depressing surplus by paying farmers to not farm.
What was the purpose of the Emergency Banking Relief Act, passed on March 9, 1933?
What is close down the banks momentarily to reorganize them into stronger organizations.
The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, created in June 16, 1933, led to what?
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). *It insured individual deposits up to $5,000, (was later raised) which ended the disgraceful epidemic of bank failures.
The cash-and-carry policy called for what?
What is European Democracies could buy American war materials only if they transported them in their own ships and paid with cash. *America would thus avoid loans, war debts, and the torpedoing of American arms-carriers.
What was FDR's policy about the great depression
What is the New Deal. It entailed "try something, if it doesn't work, try something else" *Hoover really did nothing initially to help the depression, FDR did the exact opposite and constantly tired to do something, even if it failed.
This administration was put in to place to provide jobs during the duration of hard winters. Jobs involved construction of buildings and bridges.
What is the Civil Works Administration (CWA) passed November 9, 1933
Why did FDR create a bank holiday?
What is stop the "runs" on banks. He wanted to save money for the US treasury to begin large projects and protect people's savings. *FDR used "Fireside chats" to reach 35 million Americans and assure them it was safer to keep money in a reopened bank than under their mattress.
What did the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 do?
What is allowed FDR to adjust tariff rates and negotiate with other trading countries without approval from congress.
What did the Lend-lease Bill do?
What is called for sending a limitless supply of arms to the victims of aggression who in turn would finish the war and keep it on their side of the Atlantic and would return the used weapons or equivalence to the U.S when they were done.
FDR was the only president to
What is Serve 4 consecutive terms. *He handled the great depression and beginning of WWII so well that no one wanted to replace him and risk either thing getting worse.
What is significant about the Works Progress Administration (WPA) passed May 6, 1935?
What is it spent money on a wide variety of programs, including construction, slum clearance, reforestation, and rural rehabilitation.
What did FDR do regarding the Gold Standard in the month of April in 1933?
What is ordered all private holdings of gold to be surrendered, including banks, to the US treasury in exchange for paper currency. *This took the nation off the gold standard and increased inflation, putting more currency into circulation.
What was the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) created for?
What is created as a watch dog over the stock market and made them more like trading marts and not like gambling casinos.
What was the Bracero Program?
What is an agreement with Mexico in 1942 that brought thousands of Mexican agricultural workers across the border to harvest fruit and grain crops in the west while the U.S prepared for war. *Lasted for 20 years
What was FDR's controversial dispute with the judicial branch, and what did he call for?
What is the Court-packing plan. *He wanted to expand the supreme court with a new liberalized justice with every justice over the age of 70 that was blocking his New Deal legislation