The Creation Week
The Creation of Animals
The Creation of Humans
Middle School Class Specifics
High School Class Specifics
Final Jeopardy

The method God used to create the heavens and earth according to Genesis 1.

What is "God said" or spoken word?


Genesis 1 says God created animals according to this.

What is their kinds?


The special quality which sets humans apart from the rest of creation according to Genesis 1.

What is being made in the Image of God?


In this Gospel, Jesus quotes Genesis to the Pharisees who asked him about divorce.

What is Mark?


This is the approximate age of the earth some Christians suggest from the genealogies in the Bible.

What is 6,000 years old?


What God did on each day of the creation week.

What is Day 1: God made light, Day 2: God made sky, Day 3: God made land and plants, Day 4: God made stars and planets, Day 5: God made sea and sky creatures, and Day 6: God made land creatures and humans, and Day 7: God rested? 


The evaluation God gave His creation on the 6th day.

What is "very good?"


The animals God created on day 5 of the creation week.

What are sea creatures and flying creatures?


God says this is not good for the man in Genesis 2.

What is to be alone?


God gave these three commands to mankind in Genesis 1:28.

What is 1) be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, 2) subdue the earth, and 3) have dominion over the creatures on the earth.


The main reason given in class about why Christians should read Genesis 1-11 as literal history rather than just symbolic stories.

What is the way Jesus and the other Biblical authors interpreted Genesis 1-11?


This is what God created on day 3 of the creation week.

What is the land and plants?


According to Genesis 1, this was the diet of all living creatures.

What is vegetarian? 


The unique methods God used to create humans according to Genesis 2.

What is making them from the dust and a rib and breathing life into them?  


God created these to govern day and night, mark the length of the day, and mark seasons.

What is the sun and the moon?


These were names and effects of the two trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden.

What is the Tree of Life and living forever, and what is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and knowing (deciding) good and evil like God and death?


The context clues in Genesis 1 for why the creation days most likely refer to a 24 hour period.

What is the numbering of the days, and the repeated phrase “Evening came and then morning?”


God seems to describe a dinosaur in this book of the Bible.

What is Job?


The Image of God is connected to God giving humans this job.

What is rule (dominion) over creation?


Dinosaurs were made on this day of the creation week.

What is day 6?


The animal some see in Job 39 instead of a dinosaur.

What is the hippo?


The Hebrew word for “day” can refer to these time frames depending on its context. Name at least 3.

What is a specific time period (age), daylight hours, a future time, and a 24 hour period?


The type of evolution that fits with plants and animals reproducing according to their kinds.

What is microevolution or changes within species/kinds?


According to Jesus, Genesis 2 shows God’s design for this human relationship.

What is marriage?


 It will bruise (crush) the head of the serpent.

What is the Seed of the woman?


In class we looked at two agricultural laws from Leviticus and Deuteronomy to see how God expects humans to rule over creation. These laws instructed Israelites how to treat these two possessions.

What is their land and plowing ox?
