The abdominal pain is acute and the first time it has ever happened. It is a tearing type of pain
Abdominal Aortic Dissection
right lower quadrant
Irritable bowel syndrome presents with....
What is cramping, recurrent, sharp, burning, excess gas, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation, the pain is relieved with defecation
Types of foods that aggravate cholecystitis.
What is fatty foods and alcohol.
Pain in the lower left quadrant in an older patient
Can happen at any age and hyperactive BS are found on assessment.
What is gastro-enteritis
Ectopic pregnancy patients may present with what location of pain?
What is lower quadrant pain that may include referred shoulder pain.
Colicky pain is present(namely diseases)
What is appendicitis and with sudden onset and severe pain, colicky pain can also be with intestinal obstruction.
Aggravating factors for appendicitis.
What is moving, coughing, sneezing and deep inhalation.
This is the hallmark sign of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
pulsating abdominal mass
Peaks at age 10-20 years of age, muscle guarding and tenderness in RLQ is present.
What is appendicitis.
A type of ulcer with burning and cramping 1-2 hours after meal
What is a gastric ulcer.
GERD presents with
What is heartburn, regurgitation, angina relieved by antacids.
A duodenal ulcer is aggravated by
What is an empty stomach
Severe pain in the periumbilical area of a 70 year old female
What is mesenteric ischemia/infarct
Absent BS and abdominal distention present.
What is an intestinal obstruction.
Pancreatitis often presents with what location of pain?
What is LUQ, epigastric; radiates to back.
GERD is aggravated by
What is bending, stooping or recumbency.
A patient come sin with Charcot's triad: fever, RUQ and jaundice. Upon physical exam you notice there is a negative Murphy's sign. CBC results show increased WBCs. What is the most likely diagnosis? Where should the patient be referred?
Cholangitis (ascending - inflammation of bile duct & biliary tree due to a gallstone)
Refer to hospital for antibiotic therapy and surgery; good prognosis
Seen more often in women than men; RUQ or epigastric pain that radiates to right shoulder.
What is cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.
Type of peptic ulcer with burning and cramping 2-4 hours after meals to include pain in back.
What is duodenal ulcer.
Ectopic pregnancy may present with.
What is sudden onset, persistent lower quadrant pain that may refer to right shoulder.
The patient has had a history of blood clots
What is mesenteric ischemia/infarct?
A male patient comes in with nonspecific symptoms that include fatigue, pruritic, fever, chills and night sweats. The patient has a history of IBD/ulcerative colitis. Physical exam shows hepatomegaly, jaundice and lab results show increased bilirubin & ALP.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (chronic inflammation of biliary tree leading to scarring)
Refer to hospital (antibody testing shows pANCA)