Physical Health
Exercise Science
Human Anatomy
Mental Health
Spiritual Health

This nutrient is a primary source of energy for the body and is found in foods like pasta, bread, and rice.

What are carbohydrates?


This muscle group, located on the front of the thigh, is commonly targeted during leg exercises.

What are quadriceps?


This system is responsible for transporting nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to cells throughout the body.

What is the circulatory system?


This anxiety disorder is characterized by sudden and recurrent panic attacks accompanied by intense fear and physical symptoms.

What is panic disorder?


This spiritual journey refers to the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which Muslims are required to perform at least once in their lifetime.

What is Hajj?


This type of fat, found in foods like avocados and nuts, is considered beneficial for heart health.

What is unsaturated fat?


This term describes the body's ability to deliver oxygen to muscles during physical activity and is enhanced through aerobic exercise.

What is cardiovascular endurance?


This organ is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and is essential for maintaining proper fluid balance in the body.

What are the kidneys?


This mental health condition is marked by alternating periods of mania and depression.

What is bipolar disorder?


This pillar of Islam involves fasting from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan.

What is fasting (sawm)?


This nutrient is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth and can be found in sources like dairy products and leafy greens.

What is calcium?


This exercise, involving the lifting of weights against gravity, is designed to increase muscle strength and size.

What is resistance training?


These glands produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development in the body.

What are the thyroid glands?


This disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive worry and anxiety about everyday events or activities.

What is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?


This term refers to the charity or alms giving practiced by Muslims as an act of worship and solidarity with the less fortunate.

What is zakat?


This mineral helps regulate muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and is commonly found in bananas and spinach.

What is potassium?


This stretching technique involves gradually increasing the range of motion in a muscle or joint and is beneficial for flexibility.

What is dynamic stretching?


This part of the brain is responsible for regulating basic bodily functions like breathing and heart rate.

What is the brainstem?


This disorder involves persistent, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety.

What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? 


This term in Islam refers to the remembrance of God and is often practiced through repetitive recitations or prayers.

What is dhikr?


The recommended daily intake of this vitamin helps prevent neural tube defects in newborns and is found in fortified cereals and leafy greens.

What is folic acid?


This type of exercise involves rapid, intense bursts of activity followed by short recovery periods and is effective for burning calories.

What is high intensity interval training? (HIIT)


These structures in the lungs facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during breathing.

What are alveoli?


This psychological disorder involves disruptions in memory, identity, consciousness, or perception of the environment.

What is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?


This concept in Islam emphasizes sincere submission to the will of God.

What is Tawakkul (Trust in God)?
