Mental health is created by beings outside the body; trephining used (drilling hole inside the skull)
Demonological model
What perspective emphasizes the roles of thinking or cognition, and of learning by observation or modelling (bobo doll experiment)
Social cognitive theory (Bandura)
Most widely used method of assessment; typically includes gathering info about present complaints, possible precipitating events, and how the problem affects the person's daily functioning (unstructured, semi-structured, structured)
The clinical interview; mental status examination, appearance, mood, attention, perceptual and thinking processes, memory, orientation, level of awareness or insight into their problems, judgement in making life decisions
Process of recording or observing one's own behaviour, thoughts, or emotions; behaviours that can be easily counted such as food intake, cigarette smoking, nail-biting, hair pulling, study period, and social activities
4 bodily fluids (blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm); the humours were connected to celestial bodies, seasons, body parts, and stages of life; melancholic = depression, phlegmatic = akin to psychotic, sanguine = hysteria, choleric = obsessive
Medical Model (Hippocrates Ill Humours)
What perspective supports the personal freedom human beings have in making conscious choices that give their lives meaning and purpose?
Humanistic psychology (Rogers and Maslow); self actualization, unconditional positive regard, conditional positive regard
Sociocultural theorists seek causes of abnormal behaviour that may reside in the failures of society rather than in the person
Downward drift hypothesis
The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS) and the Wechsler Scales are examples of what kind of tests?
Psychological tests of intelligence
Thought diaries, automatic thoughts questionnaire, dysfunctional attitudes scale are examples of what?
Cognitive assessment
Period where exorcism and demonology was the norm; mental imbalance due to spirit control
Medieval Times
Skinner created what concept?
Operant conditioning; reinforcement and punishment, positive and negative reinforcers, positive and negative punishment
Which perspective claims no one theoretical perspective can account for the complex forms of abnormal behaviour; interaction of multiple factors from different domains explain abnormal behaviour
Most common psychological test of personality
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI); assess interest patterns, habits, family relationships, somatic complaints, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours characteristic of psychological disorders
Belief where black magic creates mental health issues and white magic spells were cast to heal and protect
What model explains predispositions/ vulnerabilities and environmental stressors leading to a psychological disorder?
Diathesis-stress model; the stronger the diathesis, the less stress is necessary to produce the disorder
Rorschach Inkblot Test, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), and House-Person-Tree are examples of what kind of tests?
Sociocultural factors play what part in assessment of abnormal behaviour?
Reliability and validity of assessment tools may be culture specific; disentangling psychopathology from sociocultural factors; issues of translation
What event created humane treatment in encouraging environments (sanatoriums and hospitals include courtyards/gardens and activities for patients); move away from the conceptualization that mentally ill people were 'brutes' or 'undesirable'
The Reform Movement
Perspective where irrational experiences fosters negative emotions and maladaptive behaviour; depression may result from cognitive errors such as judging oneself entirely on one's flaws or failures and being pessimistic
Cognitive behavioural perspectives (Ellis and Beck); CBT originated from Ellis
Inventor of psychodynamic models and catharsis (discharge of negative emotions)
What type of assessment is used to evaluate whether or not psychological problems reflect underlying neurological damage or brain effects
Galvanic skin response, electroencephalograph, and electromyograph are examples of what assessment?
Physiological measurement