On a Mission from God: The Abolitionists
The Civil War: What is it Good For?
Stephen Cray-Crane
He founded The Liberator, one of the most important abolitionist newspapers.
Who is William Lloyd Garrison?
In taking thousands of pictures of the Civil War, this photographer and his assistants revolutionized the way that war could be documented.
Who is Mathew Brady?
Crane was born here, which may well explain his taste for seedy characters and rough neighborhoods. (please be specific)
What is Newark, NJ?
Its the complete lack of interest, motivation, or emotion in a person or group of people.
What is apathy?
This is a kind of rhetorical discourse that blames, accuses, insults, or even abuses.
What is invective?
This illiterate former slave knew the Bible well, but mostly from having children read it to her.
Who is Sojourner Truth?
These are the dates of the Civil War.
What are 1861-1865?
Its the date of publication of the Red Badge of Courage.
What is 1895?
It means to remove something or someone from someplace.
What is to extricate?
Its the rhetorical technique of anticipating the objections of one's opponent and then systematically countering them before they can actually be raised.
What is procatalepsis?
His autobiography was a massive best-seller and helped to turn public sentiment further against slavery.
Who is Frederick Douglass?
This is the approximate death toll (civilians not included) of the American Civil War.
What is 750,000 dead?
Originally an upstart movement of 19th-century French painters, this artistic school believed in bright colors, thick and short brush strokes, soft edges, and--above all perhaps--the importance of the subjective point of view.
What is Impressionism?
It means without the possibility of ambiguity or doubt.
What is unequivocal?
The following quotation, from the 19th-century non-American Charles Dickens, illustrates this rhetorical technique: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair
What is anaphora? (the deliberate repetition of the same word or words in the same part of the sentence. A kind of parallelism)
The passage of this federal law, hated in much of the north, increased the public's outrage over slavery.
What is the Fugitive Slave Act?
Lincoln and his war became even more unpopular after passage of the Enrollment Act because of this loophole to conscription (ie the draft).
What is substitution/commutation? BTW: This helped give birth to an anti-war slogan that's been applicable in most, if not all, of America's armed conflicts: "Its a rich man's war, but a poor man's fight."
Charles Darwin's radical new writings on evolutionary biology are ultimately at the root of this literary school, which led Crane into dive bars, gambling dens, brothels, and wars so he could study human beings as adapted products of their environment.
What is Naturalism?
This word can mean all of the following: -a Biblical period of debt forgiveness -a medieval indulgence of sins for pilgrims -a seafood-fueled Cajun beach party on Mobile Bay in Alabama -a dessert made by soaking cherries in alcohol and lighting them on fire -any large celebration, including often by royalty
What is a jubilee?
Other than "rhetorician," its a name for someone who practices rhetoric in a public setting. Douglass and Truth are both good examples.
What is an orator?
This novel, written in Brunswick, Maine by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was wildly popular and also helped to turn public opinion against slavery.
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin? (It first appeared, like many 19th century novels, serialized in a newspaper).
This term, not on your review sheet, refers at once to: 1. the specific federal policies aimed at politically rehabilitating and physically and economically rebuilding the defeated south, c. 1865-77 2. the same period of psychological, economic, political and cultural recovery as experienced by the entire United States.
What is Reconstruction?
This is the first place on his body that Henry is wounded.
What is his head?
This verb means to deprive of power, to marginalize, to oppress, and especially, to deprive of the right to vote.
What is to disenfranchise?
The following quote exemplifies this rhetorical device: "I'm not going to stand here tonight and remind you that my opponent is a tax cheat, an adulterer, and a confirmed glue sniffer. Nor will I deign to bring up the many 'irregularities' on file from his supposedly honorable military service."
What is preterition/apophasis?