if your friends boyfriend finds you attractive, what do you do
You reject and tell your friend immediately
How much does a girl spend on period products in her lifetime
about $18,000 over her lifetime
If something is on sale you can _______.
buy more of it
Orange is a _______ color
(hint: season)
true or false: if your friend says something rude to your face its ok
true (unless its behind your back)
At what age does a girl start menstruating
If I dab my pizza slice of grease I've _______.
saved calories for later
WHite is a _______ color
girl friend groups are a lot less roudy
most of the time
What is the main purpose of a period
to make a baby
If I buy something and theres no shipping cost its ______.
yellow is a ________ color
spring and summer
when you and your friend like the same person what do you do
you fight and then realize that it was a stupid fight
True or False: period blood is 100% blood
When I buy something then return it I got _______.
money I didn't have before
lavender is a _______ color
every friendship has the short and tall one
pretty much
true or false: Can a girl get pregnant at a very young age
true or false: boys think girl math is regular math
Blue is a _______ color