what color is the Irish flag?
what is white, green and orange
what animals is in the zoo?
what is monkeys, penguin, lion and snakes
who is Molly Malone?
what is a song
what clock does the johnsons family have tea?
what is 5 o-clock
what is the leprechaun kind of?
what is a fairy
what is the capital called?
what is dublin
who is in the zoo?
who is Lily, Oliver and Declans son Aidan
what does she say when she wheel her wheelbarrow?
what is cockels and mussles alive a-live o
what is the one and other part of Ireland called?
what is Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
what does he when you look away?
what is he disappears
what are Ireland called?
what is Emerald isle
what is MY LUNCH
what was her job?
what is a fishmonger
who are the Johnsons family visiting?
who is Henrys cousin
what does the leprechaun when you find him?
what is fool you/trick you
how long have people lived in Ireland?
what is 12,500 years
what is 7
what did she die of?
what is of a fever
Ireland is the ****** largest island in the world?
what is third
where does the leprechaun hide?
what is in the end of the rainbow
how many people live in Ireland?
what is 4.8 million
what does the zoo called?
what is through the streets
what is the irish flag called in Irish?
what is (An Bhratach Naisiunta
what is the little tap-tap the leprechan makes?
what is he puts nails in the shoes