Games I Like (A)
Things I'm Good At (B)
Random facts about me (C)
my hobbies (D)
what I do on my free time (E)

this game is used as a means of letting your creativity in construction spread wide

what is minecraft?


i do this while streaming and get around 500-1k viewers due too my skills or the funny moments 

what is play games


how many ex's do i have?

what is 4 ex's?


almost everybody does this and its how we eat food

what is cook?


this is a common thing people do when they know it's needed by the other person; which usually leaves the other person very thankful for you being there

what is taking care of family?


this game is similar to friday the 13th but includes skill, tricks, & timing in order to play

what is dead by daylight?


everybody has to do this in order to survive but weirdly some get prizes for doing it faster 

(Hint: Matt Stonie & Joey Chestnut)

what is competitive/fast eating?


how many siblings do i have?

what is 4 siblings?


when I do this activity i usually get around 500-1k viewers 

what is stream?


you do this when you become an uncle/aunt to become an awesome/the favorite uncle/aunt

what is play with niece & nephew?


this game is based off of real life and gives you an example of being an entrepreneur and business owner 

what is Grand Theft Auto


people need this if they are making an app, website, or game and some small places sometimes come to me for an idea

what is creating a logo?


how many nieces & nephews do i have?

what is 6?


this is a form of play some people apply to their time with their pets (ex: dogs, cats, or birds)

what is bully my pet? (dog)


this game was made by one person and looks like a mix of farming simulator, minecraft, & terraria

what is stardew valley?


this has happened to me four times already 

what is being dumped because im a fat f*cking loser that nobody likes


this is one outta two of my medical disorders but this one explains why i look the way i do

what is minor gigantism?


this has been out since 9-29-03 and is usually based off of real events using semi-accurate weapons

what is the call of duty franchise? 


this is a skill i've had since the wii came out but not many people know about it, i use it to my advantage to beat others in many many different games 

what is learn how to play a game without a tutorial under 2-4 minutes?


this is my second medical disorder but this one explains why i sweat 24/7

what is a temperature disfunction?


I usually do this when a competitive form of a game is available 

what is play in pro level matches? (ex:championship, league, or competitive matches) (i usually rank from 4th-1st) 
