full birthday
what is june 21 2010?
astrids birthday
when is feb 6th 22?
favorite color
what is pink?
my go-to artist
who is taylor swift?
season i was born in
when is summer?
zodiac sign
what is a cancer?
noodles birthday
when is feb 13 22?
favorite animal
what are ferrets and cats?
favorite artist
Who is taylor swift?
favorite seasons
when is autumn and winter?
stars or hearts
what is both?
type of first dog
what is a german shepherd?
favorite flower
what are lotus's and babybreath's?
favorite musical instrument
What is a violin?
favorite holiday
when is christmas/ birthdays?
my height
How tall is 5'3?
name of first dog
favorite food
What is grilled cheese?
favorite music app
what is spotify?
favorite class
what grade
when is 7th grade?
buddy's birthday
favorite piercing
what are angel bites?
concert i wanna go to
what is a taylor swift concert?
tea or pop