what is my favorite color
what is my favorite spicy chip (multiple answers)
baked hot cheetos , chester hot fries
what house am i in
what do i do on the electric scooter (drive OR sit)
i always drive UNLESS i forced or want to sit
what games does collin play on his ipad (2 games)
minecraft, my singing monsters
what is my favorite fast food
chick fil a
would i rather have a POPPI or an ALANI
who do i have for math
mr barthelow
who is my favorite cousin (there is 4)
ethan, abby, sean, harin
where do i sit in the car when we go on road trips (front/middle/back)
what type of chair do i have for my desk
criss cross chair
what is my favorite type of sushi
california roll
why do i run in the hallways
what day am i going to nashville
march 18 tuesday
at restaurants who does collin ALWAYS want to sit by
my dad
what animal is my weighted stuffed animal
what is my favorite chicken soup
chick fil a chicken soup
what is my homeroom teacher name/what does she teach
mrs culver OR ela
what ride did me and madison ride at six flags (we went CRAZY)
the wonder woman ride
when coming back from georgia, what state do we take a rest stop at
how many water bottles do i currently have in my room (empty)
what is my EXACT chick fil a order
lemonade, fries, soup, nuggets
when do i mostly see harah in the hallway
after lunch, before 5th period
what necklace did hyemii's gift me for my birthday a while back
a penguin necklace
what month is was of my family members birthday (dad/mom/me/collin)
december, may, april, november