What do i look like?
An Egg
If i could get a dog, what breed would i get?
What is my current favourite anime? Finished airing last month
Demon Slayer
What is my favourite food?
Chicky nuggies
Who is my favourite drag queen?
Katya Zamolochikova
Where in Asia do i want to go on holiday?
What pets have i mostly had?
What anime don't i like?
Attack on Titan
What other name do i go by on social media?
What creature am i most scared of?
Who is my favourite anime husbando?
Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen
What is my favourite music group called?
What was the first Korean tv show i watched?
Strong Girl Bong Soon
What subject was i terrible in at school?
What animal am i getting tattooed on me next month?
What is the name of the first character i cosplayed for an event?
2B - Nier Automata
What is my favourite fizzy pop?
Fanta Lemon
What tv show was i an extra in?
Waterloo road
What size are my implants?
350cc and 400cc
What was the name of my hamsters when i was a kid?
Bubbles and Nibbles
Lucky Star
As a kid, what was my favourite playstation game?
Crash Bandicoot - Wrath of Cortex