My favourite TV show is...
- Grey's Anatomy
- Stranger Things
- Glee
Grey's Anatomy!
When did I graduate high shool?
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
2017 !
How many brothers and sisters do I have?
- 1
- 2
- 4
4 !
I am a ... person:
- Beach
- Mountain
beach !
I am a fan of... (soccer club)
Vélez !
My favourite animated movie is...
- Big Hero 6
- Monsters Inc.
- Shrek
Monsters Inc. !
My favorite book is...
- Firelight
- Wonder
- Insomnia
Insomnia !
What are my dogs' names?
- Nilo & Lucy
- Nemi & Luky
- Nitro & Lexie
Nitro & Lexie !
In my free time, I like...
- dancing
- watching TV series
- watch and read my social media
- all of the above
All of the above !
My favorite food is...
- pizza
- spaghetti
- hamburguers
When I'm watching a movie, I like eating...
- popcorn
- chocolate
- chips
- nachos
- all of the above
All of the above!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a...
- teacher
- vet
- drummer
drummer !
Can you guess my best friend's name?
- Julia
- Camila
- Aldana
Julia !
I like dancing...
- hip hop music
- classical music
- reggeatón music
hip hop music !
What is my midle name?
- Martina
- Lucía
- I don't have one
I don't have one!
Who is my favorite person to watch a movie?
- my brother
- my boyfriend
- myself
myself !
There is an author whose novels I cannot stand. Which is it?
- Paulo Coelho
- Jane Austen
- Gillian Flynn
Paulo Coelho
Can you guess the name of the first dog I had?
- Coco
- Roco
- Mateo
Mateo !
Can you guess the last place I went on holidays?
- Brasil
- Mar del Plata
- La Lucila del Mar
La Lucila del Mar !
What is my favorite social media?
Twitter !
How many series have I watched in my life?
- 10
- 20
- 30
- + 40
+ 40 !
Where am I studying the TTC (Teacher Training Course)?
At Lenguas Vivas.
My mother's name is...
- Carla
- Cintia
- Mónica
Carla !
Can you guess how many times I've travelled abroad?
- 2
- 3
- 5
5 !
Can you guess how many tattoos I have on my body?
- 3
- 4
- 5
5 !