a depression over the wrist that can be seen when the fingers are extended
anatomic snuffbox
Inflammations of the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel leads to compression of the median nerve. This injury occurs most often in sports requiring repeated wrist flexion.
carpal tunnel syndrome
Jersey finger
what are the 2 main bones of the wrist
ulna and radius
an unyielding object like ball hits tip of finger or tumb and bends further back than its supposed to
tissue death due to lack of blood supply
avascular necrosis
chronic injury caused by repetitive wrist flexion. Often occurs in racquet or rowing sports
wrist tendonitis
DIP extensor rupture, axial loading forcing flexion while in extension
Mallet finger
what are the 8 carpal bones
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate, pisiform, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
an athletes bent finger gets caught in the material of an opposing players shirt
jersey finger
injury of the 5th metacarpal
boxers fracture
fracture of the distal radius, falling on an outstretched hand, direct blow to the area
colles fracture, radial/ulnar fracture
forcing DIP into EX and PIP into flex, surgery required first time
Boutonniere Deformity
how many phalanges do we have
tennis player feels major wrist pain after weeks of playing tennis
wrists tendonitis
small bones of the hand
Scaphoid, carpal fracture
also called skiers thumb, caused by forced abduction
Gamekeepers thumb
what finger is the first metacarpal
a professional video game player complains about thumb pain after playing games for hours straight
gamekeepers thumb
long bones of the hand between the carpal bones and the phalanges
forceful impact causes one bone to move forward and another bone to move back
Phalynx dislocation
also called a ¨jammed¨ finger
finger sprain
How many carpal bones are there
A basketball player falls onto the ground with an outsretched hand after making a basket and starts complaining about wrist pain.
Scaphoid fracture