How to implement the various treatment procedures.
Most Exposure therapy focuses on this, instead of theory.
What is technique
This theory of exposure therapy was proposed by Rachman, elaborated by Foa and Kozak, and further revised by Foa and McNally
What is Emotional Processing Theory
This theory of exposure therapy focuses on inhibitory mechanisms
What is Inhibitory Learning Theory
Skills taught by some therapists due to the concern that the act of purposely provoking fear during exposure therapy is (a) not healthy for the patient, (b) makes anxiety symptoms worse, or (c) will lead to premature discontinuation of treatment
What are relaxation skills
Understanding the theoretical basis for exposure therapy is critical for clarifying a treatment plan, using theory to understand triggers and how it applies to the patient's particular anxiety
What is a Road Map
The reduction in the conditioned anxiety/fear response associated with the feared stimulus
What is Extinction
Activation of the fear structure, along with integration of information that is incompatible with it, is thought to result in the development of…
What is a New Non-fear Structure
The original excitatory meaning vs. The established inhibitory meaning
What is the fear-based vs. the the safety-based meaning
The observation that states that exposure helps provide long-term relief from most anxiety/fear based problems, while relaxation acts as a placebo intervention that prevents the natural reduction of fear
What is Observation 1: “Just Relax”
Both therapist AND patient have an understanding of theory to implement treatment
Working knowledge allows patient and therapist to work collaboratively to ensure a comprehensive assessment
What is Treatment Rationale
The natural decline of the anxious/fearful response to the feared stimulus
What is Habituation
According to EPT, initial fear activation, within-session habituation, and between-session habituation are all indicators of…
What is successful learning
According to the inhibitory learning model, a post-test or follow up assessment is an indicator of…
What is Successful Learning
What observation states that some therapists overuse exposure therapy
Has been inappropriately used for anger problems, impulse control disorders, depression, and bipolar disorders
What is Observation 2: When exposure therapy is the hammer, everything is the nail
Newly learned non threat associations replacing previously learned threat associations
Understanding that extinction depends on context-dependent learning rather than "unlearning"
What is Preventing Relapse
Forms of active and passive avoidance performed to reduce fears of negative consequences and bring about a sense of security
What is Safety Behaviors
Set of psychological treatment techniques for the types of pathological fear that are typically observed in people with anxiety disorders
What is Exposure Therapy
Uses theory to understand how the particular fear
cues trigger catastrophic thinking relating to feared
outcomes, and how these exaggerated beliefs are
maintained by safety behaviors and other mainte-
nance processes
What is Idiosyncratic Version of CBT
The acronym SUDS stands for…
What is Subjective Units of Distress
The gathering of detailed patient-specific information about the factors that increase the likelihood of that particular target problem
What is Functional Assessment
A set of propositions about the feared stimulus, response, and their meaning that is stored in memory
What is Fear Structure
An extension of exposure therapy focusing on an effort to change thinking patterns
What is Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
Obstacle where the patient’s refusal to confront his or her feared stimuli or resist safety behaviors whether in the session or during homework
What is Nonadherence in Knowledge of Theory
What observation states that some therapists are overly concerned with the anxiety evoked during behavior therapy- despite the fact that the anxiety evoked by exposure is unlikely to persist indefinitely or spiral “out of control” and cause harm to the patient
What is Observation 3: Overconcern with Habituation and subjective units of distress levels
What is necessary for understanding anxiety disorders in the exposure therapy context, providing a guide for assessment, providing a roadmap for the therapist, providing a treatment rationale, optimizing exposure learning, preventing relapse, and troubleshooting with patients
What is knowledge of theory