What is absolutism?
Ability of a ruler to control every aspect of their country
What class did Louis XIV weaken the authority of?
Ivan became the first ____ in 1546, when he came into power
Who was the founder of the bourbon dynasty?
Henry IV
When Peter came into power, what state was Russia in?
Russia was still in an outdated version of feudalism
A monarch can make traditional and special ____ without having revolts.
Who did Louis XIV increase the power of?
Intendeds (Members of the government who collected taxes and delivered justice to wrong dealers)
Ivan was a good ruler till his wife _________ died
Henry was originally _____ but switched the catholicism
What was stopping Russia from advancing in tools, technology and ideas?
Its geographical location and the difficulty of trade
Where did absolutism come from?
King Philip II of Spain
Who helps Louis XIV improve the economy?
Jean Baptiste
What group were blamed for poisoning Ivan's wife?
Henry reduced the power of what legal body?
Estates General (French Parliament)
In Russia's eyes, all western Europeans were ________
What is Divine Right?
Monarchs were created by god and they represent god
What is mercantilism?
The belief that a nation should protect their home industries and export more than import.
Who started the Romanov Dynasty?
Anastasia's grand-nephew
What did Henry not have control over?
His people.
What trip did Peter go on to learn about western Europe?
Grand Embassy
Who is your true rival as a monarch (according to Divine Right)?
God himself.
What is the famous building that was built by Louis's command?
Palace of Versailles
Exact year that Ivan the Terrible came into power?
Assassinated for what reason?
To gain a part of the Baltic coast, what country did Peter go to war with and when did they win?
Sweden, 1703