Vocab Terms
French Revolution
French Revolution (Yet Again!)
This established the English monarch, King Henry XVIII, as the official head of the Church of England and separated England from the power of the Catholic pope in Rome.
What is the 1534 Act of Supremacy.
What was the major reason Queen Elizabeth had good relations with Parliament?
She allowed members of Parliament to practice free speech, did not try to interrupt in elections, and allowed Parliament to be more assertive.
What was the nickname of France's King Louis XIV (14th)?
The Sun King
A revolution against the French Revolution that sought to keep the French monarchy, reduce the mass executions and hysteria, and looked to other European monarchies for help against the French Revolution radicals.
What is the Counter-Revolution.
What was the Terror?
The period of the French Revolution when the Revolutionary government decided to take harsh measures against those suspected of being enemies of the Revolution (nobles, priests, hoarders). In Paris a wave of executions followed.
A form of government where the King or Queen's powers are limited and the ability to make and pass laws is given to an elected Parliament (or Legislature).
What is a Constitutional Monarchy
Why did James I face more difficulties with Parliament than Queen Elizabeth did?
James restricted the powers of Parliament and was a proponent of absolute rule and the divine right of kings.
This French religious figure was very influential in France, supported the absolute power of the French monarch, punished those who dissented against the French crown, and attempted to gain more power for France in Europe.
Who is Cardinal Richelieu.
An old castle turned prison in Paris that became a symbol of oppression during the French Revolution.
What is the Bastille.
What is a coup d'etat?
An attempt by a group to take over the government usually through violence.
Part of France's Third Estate. This group was the rich, working class of the Third Estate.They played a dominant role in the French Revolution.
What is the Bourgeoisie.
What was absolutism?
A form of government or rule where a monarch (king or queen) has complete control and power over their lands and subjects.
A meeting of Third Estate members who said they would draft a new constitution for France and not leave this location until they had done so. This oath was an act of political authority by and for the common people.
What is the Tennis Court Oath.
The three general causes of the French Revolution were what?
Economic and Financial difficulties (national debt), ineffective leadership, and the ideas of the Enlightenment.
How did Robespierre try to defend the use of terror and guillotine in French society?
Robespierre argued that the Terror was a necessary means to establish a just French society. The Terror would rid France of any who still supported the Royalists and make sure there were no dissenters.
This execution apparatus came to symbolize the French Revolution. Its scaffold was the final stage for Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, aristocrats, foreigners, revolutionaries, counterrevolutionaries, bourgeoisie, and peasants alike as each was beheaded by a sharp blade.
What is the Guillotine.
Who were the Roundheads and who were the Royalists in the English Civil War? Who won the civil war?
The Roundheads were members of Parliament and their supporters who fought against King Charles I. The Royalists supported Charles. The Roundheads won.
This is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights. It defines the individual and collective rights of all the estates of the realm as universal.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
A period of panic and riot during the French Revolution by peasants and others amid rumors of an “aristocratic conspiracy” by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate.
What is the Great Fear.
What were Napoleon Bonaparte's three major mistakes?
The first mistake was arrogance, assuming that he would prevail no matter the odds. He tried to defeat the English Navy but was easily defeated. The second mistake was invading Russia. Napoleon's army was dismantled from within by the bitter temperatures they experienced there. The Third mistake was allowing France to become involved in the Peninsular War. He sent troops through Spain to Portugal, kicked out the Spanish king and put his brother on the throne. This angered Spaniard who rioted.
The architect of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As the leading member of the Committee of Public Safety from 1793, he encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine, of more than 17,000 enemies of the Revolution. He ironically was killed by the guillotine.
Who is Robespierre.
Describe the rule of Oliver Cromwell. How did it affect English citizens? Were they happy under his rule?
Under Cromwell's rule, England became very puritan and sought to enact religious standards over all of England. Cromwell closed theatres, sports venues, and enacted many moral laws meant to change the culture of England. Many English citizens were not happy under his rule.
This man was a French revolutionary who was murdered in his tub by a woman who was against his extremely radical Revolutionary ideals. He was later viewed as a martyr by some.
What is Jean-Paul MARAT.
Where were the three factions of the new French government in 1792?
The Montagnards, the Girondins, and the Plains. The Montagnards were the most radical group, the Plains were the moderates, and the Girondins were swing voters who tended to side with the Montagnards.
What were some major mistakes made by King Louis XVI (16th) that contributed to his downfall and eventual beheading by the Guillotine?
Louis the 16th allowed foreigners to be advisors, he forced new taxes on lower class to pay for 7 Years War and American Revolution, Louis had no idea how to handle the Tennis Court Oath and the following National Assembly. Louis was not as competent of an absolutist as his forefathers were so he couldn't as effectively rule.