Wars and Conflicts
Policies and Reforms
Culture and Society
Key Terms

This French King known as the "Sun King" epitomized absolutist rule in the 17th century.

Who is Louis XlV?


This 17th-century conflict was fought primarily in Central Europe and involved most of the great powers, leading to the Treaty of Westphalia.

What is the Thirty Years' War?


This French finance minister under Louis XlV implemented mercantilist policies to strengthen the economy.

Who is Jean-Baptiste Colbert?


The palace built by Louis XlV to control nobles and showcase his wealth.

What is the Palace of Versailles?

The term for the theory that kings were given authority by god.

What is Divine Right?


This Russian czar implemented extensive reforms to modernize Russia and expand its territory in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

Who is Peter the Great?


This war ending in 1713, marked the end of French Expansion under Louis XlV and redefined the balance of power in Europe.

What is the War of Spanish Succesion?

This policy established by Peter the Great required Russian nobles to serve in the military or civil administration.

What was the Table of Ranks?


This cultural movement associated with Louis XlV's reign emphasized classical ideals and absolute monarchy in art and literature.

What is the French Classicism?


This economic policy aims to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation.

What is Mercantilism?


The Habsburg ruler who sought to centralize authority in the Austrian Empire and was a key figure in the War of Spanish Succesion.

Who was Leopold l?


This conflict was between France and the coalition of European powers aiming to prevent the unification of France and Spain under one crown.

What is the War of the Spanish Succesion?


The legal code restricting the rights of Huguenots in France.

What was the Edict of Fontainbleau?


The intellectual and cultural flowering in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great, marked by the adoption of Western ideas.

What is the Westernization of Russia?


This political theory advocates for a centralized sovereign authority embodied in a monarch with absolute power.

What is Absolutism?


This Prussian king, known as "The Great Elector" laid the foundations for the Prussian state through military and administrative reforms.

Who is Frederick William?


The conflict involving France against a coalition of European states, names after the ruling monarch of England at the time.

What is the Nine Years War(aka The War of the Grand Alliance)?


The series of reforms by this Habsburg ruler aimed to centralize the empire, including religous tolerance.

What are the reforms of  Joseph ll?


The royal advisor and Cardinal was instrumental in strengthening the central power of the French monarchy during Louis Xlll's reign.

Who is Cardinal Richelieu?


This 1648 treaty ended the 30 Years War.

What is the Treaty of Westphalia?


The Spanish monarch who inherited a vast empire and aimed to maintain Catholic orthodoxy, known for the Spanish Armada.

Who is Philip ll?


This mid-17th century English conflict led to the temporary overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a commonwealth.

What is the English Civil War?


The policy adopted by Frederick William l of Prussia that emphasized military service and state control over the economy.

What is the Militarization of Prussia?


The term for the French social and political system before the French revolution characterized by feudal privileges and absolute monarchy.

What is the Ancien Regime?


The term for the French political and administrative system established under Louis XlV characterized control and reduced power of the nobility.

What is Bureaucratic Centralism?
