Divine Right in England
King Louis XIV
Absolutism: Ruling Families
European Monarchs

These two Dutch leaders invaded England by invitation, giving us an event called "The Glorious Revolution"  

Who is William and Mary?


This treaty officially ended the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Dutch in 1648. 

What was the Treaty of Münster? (part of Peace of Westphalia)


The French Cardinal who served as minister and advisor for Louis XIV and his father, Louis XIII. 

Who is Cardinal Mazarin?


Founded by King Henry VII, members of this family included Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. 

Who are the Tudors?


The first queen of England, her reign is seen as England's "Golden Age" of arts, culture, and military strength. 

Who is Elizabeth I?


Both hated and admired (still!), this "Lord Protector" ended centuries of Divine Right rule in England.

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


This series of French civil wars was fought between the nobility and the monarchy from 1648-1653, with the monarchy eventually prevailing. 

What is the Fronde?


Greek God with whom King Louis XIV most associated himself. 

Who is Apollo/The Sun King?


This family ruled Russia for many years including monarchs such as Peter The Great and Catherine The Great.

Who are the Romanov?


Being crowned King when he was just 4 years old, this King ruled with an iron fist and was the epitome of Absolutist Monarchs. 

Who is King Louis XIV?


Found guilty of following a "personal rule" and ignoring the rights of parliament, this monarch is the only English monarch to have been executed. 

Who is Charles I?

During the Anglo-Spanish War of 1585-1604, Spain attempted an ultimately failed invasion of England in this year.

What is 1588?


Magnificent palace created by Louis XIV. It was built so he could stay away from the drama and intrigue of Paris. 

What is Versailles?


This family ruled France for much of it's history, until they were overthrown during the French Revolution.

Who are the Bourbons?


He is regarded as one of the best Enlightened Absolutist Monarchs to ever live. 

Who is Czar Peter the Great?


In his famous book Leviathan, this English political theorist believed that absolute monarchs based their rule on a "social contract" and not "Divine Right."

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


This was the victorious side during the English Civil War. 

Who are the Roundheads?


King Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes, which previously allowed this Protestant group to freely worship within France. 

Who are Huguenots?


William and Mary were members of this Dutch Royal House, which is still the current reigning house of the Netherlands in 2024.

It's also a popular color...

What is (The House) of Orange?


Czar of Russia after Peter II, she pushed Russia into a Modern Age by bring knowledge and technology from the west.

Who is Catharine the Great?


Named the "Merry Monarch", this English king's rule lasted from 1660-1685.

His rule brought back the monarchy after 11 years of no king or queen in England.

Who is Charles II of England ?


In the War of the Spanish Succession, powerful families were vying to replace this Spanish king, nicknamed El Hechizado.

Who is Charles II of Spain?


One of King Louis XIV's failures was that he spent too much money, like when he involved France in this costly war that lasted from 1701-1714. 

What is the War of Spanish Succession?


This family was part of European nobility for almost 1,000 years, ruling large amounts of territory.

They are also (in)famous for their inbreeding and genetic defects. (Chin)

Who are the Habsburgs?


Considered perhaps the worst absolute ruler because he bankrupted Spain, he nevertheless controlled more territory than anyone before him. 

Who is Philip II?
