This French Monarch built the Palace of Versailles
Who was Louis XIV?
an intellectual and philosophical movement that occurred in Europe in the 17th and the 18th centuries.
What was the Enlightenment?
Which side won the English Civil War?
The Roundheads/ supporters of Parliament
What is the state of nature?
Man's natural state when there is no government, laws, etc.
What is an absolute monarch?
A monarch who exercises complete control over their kingdom
This monarch wanted to westernize and modernize Russia.
Who was Tzar Peter the Great?
When a group of people who promote a set of ideas to change society
What is an intellectual movement?
Explain the cause of the English Civil War, and who fought on each side.
Escalating conflict between the King and Parliament, including Charles I trying to arrest leaders of Parliament. Fought by supporters of the King and supporters of Parliament.
What does Hobbes believe the state of nature is like?
Horrible- a state of war and constant competition, man's life in the state of nature is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short"
What change in government happened after Cromwell's death?
Restoration of the monarchy
This is the idea that kings are appointed by God to rule.
What is the divine right of kings?
To apply reason to human behavior and society
What was the goal of the Enlightenment?
What effect on government did the English Civil War have?
Monarchy was ended and Cromwell set up a republican commonwealth that turned into a military dictatorship
What does Locke believe about the state of nature?
Men have natural rights and are naturally reasonable so they can recognize one another's right to life, liberty, property, etc.
In what ways was Peter the Great an absolute monarch?
Controlled all facets of society- the dress of the nobility, labor, taxation, education, the structure of the government...
He encouraged the nobility to live with him at Versailles putting on grand plays and shows to distract them.
How did Louis XIV handle the treat from French nobility?
This Enlightenment figure believed that government should be split into separate branches, each with some power over the others.
Who was the Baron de Montesquieu?
What was the Glorious Revolution?
The overthrow of the first king established after Cromwell and his replacement by his daughter and son-in-law, Mary and William.
What other previous social movements influenced the development of the Enlightenment?
The Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the Scientific Revolution
In what ways was Louis XIV an absolute monarch?
Controlled all facets of society- "l'etat, c'est moi", military and war, economy and labor, the nobility...
He forced nobles to shave beards and dress in European style, established a newspaper, expanded education, and modernized the government.
How did Peter the Great attempt to Westernize Russia?
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Who was Voltaire?
Why did the Glorious Revolution happen?
Parliament wanted to establish a monarchy, but a constitutional monarchy- one with limits on its power.
What does Jean-Jacques Rousseau think the role of the government is?
To enact the will of the majority
Who prospered/ suffered as a result of Peter the Great's rule?
Russia as a whole became more modern and more like western Europe. Women became more independent, education was expanded, the government became more efficient. People were forced to change their way of life (nobility and beards/ clothing). Up to 100,000 serfs died in the construction of St. Petersburg. Heavy taxes paid for his reforms.