In 1492 this Spanish explorer sailed the ocean blue.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The type of government where the king or the queen holds absolute power.
What is an absolute monarchy?
Colonists in North America wanted this country to stop taxing them without giving them representation in government.
What is Britain?
The bourgeoisie and peasants were in this estate.
What is the 3rd?
This country is named after Simon Bolivar.
What is Bolivia?
This US state is named after a French king.
What is Louisiana?
Montesquieu believed that government should be divided into this many branches.
What is three?
This "tea party" was held because colonists were upset over Britain's blockade of this harbor.
What is Boston Harbor?
This queen never really said "Let them eat cake!"
Who was Mary Antionette?
This country used to be called Saint Domingue.
What is Haiti?
What are gold, glory, and God?
The idea that a monarch's authority came from God.
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
This Act taxed written materials such as newspapers, wills, and pamphlets.
What is the Stamp Act?
What is equality?
These three things inspired or led to the Latin American Revolutions.
What are the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Enlightenment?
Creating a favorable balance of this was the goal of mercantilism.
What is trade?
This Enlightenment Thinker believed in the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech.
Who is Voltaire?
Great Britain expected colonists in North America to help pay for this war.
What is the French and Indian War?
The body's goal was to bring stability back to Europe after the fall of Napoleon.
What is the Congress of Vienna?
Simon Bolivar teamed up with this revolutionary leader to liberate South America.
Who is Jose de San Martin?
This explorer from the Ming empire of China sailed to places such as India, Arabia, and Africa in the early 1400's.
Who is Zheng He?
This country's revolution was called the "Glorious Revolution" because there was no bloodshed.
What is England?
This system of government divides power between national and state governments.
What is a federal system?
Napoleon replaced this country's king with Napoleon's brother.
What is Spain?
Simon Bolivar wanted to create a unified country in South American called this, but it failed.
What is Gran Colombia?