Abuse Prevention
Bill of Rights
Alphabet Soup
Name Four Types of Abuse
What is Physical, Mental, Verbal or Sexual?
Name four things you do before you leave a residents room? Think three C's and R...
What is the room CLEAN, is the resident COFORTABLE, to they have their CALL LIGHT, ask of thy need anything else before they leave and REPORT & RECORD?
What are four things we do to keep resident information private?
What is • Shred confidential papers • Keep files locked and secure • Not leave papers out in the open with resident information • Close doors when having conversations • Use privacy screens on computers • Use computers that are password protected for health data
What does RACE stand for?
What is R- Rescue the resident A- Alarm C-Confine the fire E- Extinguish the flames never fight a fire that is larger than you. contain and call for help! Never cross a fire line!
What do you do if a resident is missing items such as glasses, keys, etc.?
What is report lost and found item to the supervisor and social services. A for is filled out with the items description and all departments are notified of missing item. Lost and found poster filled out and placed around to return if found.
What are three warning signs of abuse?
What are bruises, skin tears, broken bones, cutes, unexplained injuries or behavior.
Where is the bill of rights located?
In the cabinet on the wall by Medical Records and also given out at admission
What is a Healthcare Directive?
What is A health care directive is a written document that informs other of your wishes about your health care. It allows you to name a person ("agent") to decide for you if you are unable to decide. It also allows you to name an agent if you want someone else to decide for you.
What does OHFC stand for?
What is the Office for Health Facility Complaints
what are three things that need to be reported to the state as possible abuse?
What is 1. not following care plan 2. missing valuable or money items 3. fall with injury such as a fracture
Who is a mandated reporter
Who is all of us.
What is a Trust Account?
Resident money that is kept in a interest bearing account in the office for the resident to use.
On break, you over hear co-workers talking to one another and one says to the other "I'm so sick of Getrude and her yelling, I just tell her to shut up". what do you do?
What is Report to the Supervisor?
what does VA and CEP stand for?
What is Vulnerable Adult and Common Entry Point?
What is the elder justice act?
Reporting reasonable suspicion of a crime
Who do you report to internally?
Who is the Supervisor? Supervisor then reports to Director of Nursing and Administrator. If you feel that this is not done, you can contact them also.
Name four bill of rights residents have?
What is •The right to live in a caring environment free from abuse, mistreatment and neglect •The right to live without the fear of enduring physical restraint •The right to privacy •The right to receive personal care that accommodates physical, medical, emotional and social needs •The right to a social contact/interaction with fellow residents and family members •The right to be treated with dignity •The right to exercise self-determination •The right to exercise freedom of speech and communicate freely •The right to participate in the creation and review of one’s individualized care plan •The right to be fully informed in advance of any changes to care plan or status of the nursing home •The right to voice grievances without discrimination or reprisal
You are out shopping and run into a person who asks "I hear Martha's husband is at your facility, how is he doing?" What do you say to them?
What is "I'm not sure, he is on a different unit that I do not work on"? or What is "I'm sorry, I'm not permitted to say due to privacy but, you can ask Martha"?
What does HIPAA stand for?
What is Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act? law that keeps personal health information private.
What is an ombudsman? Who is the ombudsman for our area?
What is an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against maladministration, especially that of public authorities. Who is Corry Jones?
who do you report to externally?
What is the Minnesota Department of Health Office of Health Complaints or if a crime is suspected, the police
What you hear/ see at work stays at work is an example of?
What is confidentiality?
What is the difference between the Power of Attorney, Health Care Directive, Guardianship and Conservatorship Describe the difference
What is • POA- takes care of finances. • Health Care Directive is a tool used to make treatment decisions when the person is unable. • Guardianship- is care of the person. • Conservatorship- takes care of a persons finances that is disabled.
What does POA stand for?
What is Power of Attorney?
Can you have personal items on the unit with you while you work (cell phone, etc.)?
What is NO!!! this can prevent the spread germs to and from home and the facility and prevent theft of your personal property. This protects you as well as the residents you care for.