Passion and perseverance is.
What is GRIT?
Indicates how far a student’s cumulative GPA falls below the 2.0 required for good academic standing and graduation.
What is Quality Point Deficit?
Self-affirmations and box breathing are examples of.
What are relaxation techniques?
The act of getting information into our memory through automatic or effortful processing.
What is Encoding?
What are the 3R's of SQ3R?
What is Read, Recite, Review?
True or False: In a group situation you should begin by asserting dominance.
What is FALSE.
If a student’s cumulative UB grade point average (GPA) is 2.000 or greater and the student’s most recent semester GPA at UB is 2.000 or greater.
What is Academic Good Standing?
Helps to hold important information in sensory memory longer and helps with focusing on some information and ignoring others.
What is Selective Attention?
This can lead to the formation of false memories.
What is sleep deprivation?
Note taking method that involves a cue column, note taking column and summary space.
What is Cornell Note Taking Method?
Being responsive, responsible, accountable and working towards solving problems are all components of.
What is effective groupwork?
If a student’s cumulative UB GPA is 2.000 or greater but the student’s most recent semester GPA is less than 2.000. What will the academic review consequence be?
What is Academic Warning?
Being in the moment, also a way of building resiliency is called?
What is Mindfulness?
Without selective attention you would be?
What is overwhelmed?
What is The Pomodoro Technique?
The color purple is said to aid in?
What is Memory?
The single cumulative number that represents your entire academic performance.
What is GPA (Grade Point Average)?
Fear characterized by behavioral disturbances.
What is Anxiety?
The process of understanding how you learn is called?
What is a Metacognition?
HOMES is an example of a?
What is a mnemonic device?
What does the S in S.C.A.R. stand for?
What is Stop?
What is the result of a student having a quality point deficit of 20 or more?
What is Academic Dismissal?
A normal reaction that happens to everyone. It is a physical or mental response that is produced by your body due to changes or challenges that a person experiences.
What is Stress?
A strategy for memory enhancement, which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information.
What is Method of Loci?
True or False: paying attention to bolded or italicized text can lead to better understanding of what you are reading?
What is True?