In a square, there is 3 angles, A, B and C, if A and B's sum is half of C, what is C?
C = 120
How much sides does a polygon have?
What are the rules of congruency?
The rules of congruency are
equal size, equal angles, equal order
A + B = C
(C - B)/2 = D
D + E = A
(E x D) + C = A
Find one set of numbers that goes into A,B,C,D and E
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 2
E = -1
In a pentagon, there is 2 known angles, 50 and 88, the rest of the angles are the same. What is one of the remaining unknown angles?
0 (00f)
In a polygon, there is 6 sides, what is that polygon's name?
What are the tests for congruency?
If I have an unknown amount of clovers, 2 kinds of them, 3-leaf ones and 4-leaf ones. I have 73 clover leaves in total and 22 clovers, how many more 3-leaf ones I have than 4-leaf ones.
22 - 15 - 7
difference = 8
In a triangle, there is A, B and C
A = B + 40
B = C - 20
C = A - 20
What is A, B and C?
A = 80
B = 40
C = 60
In the triangle ABC, its perimeter is 108 units, AB = 2(BC), CA = (AB + BC)/5, how long is CA? (in terms of units)
CA = 18 units
Polygon A and Polygon B's side sum is 1 lesser than Polygon C, while Polygon D have 5 sides which is 3 lesser side than C while C have 4 sides more than B, how much sides does polygon A have?
Polygon A have 3 sides
No, it could be flipped horizontally.
If I am Kevin and I read an unknown amount of books today, 10% more of today on tomorrow, 10% more than tomorrow on the day after tomorrow, 25% more 1 less than the day after tomorrow on the day after the day after tomorrow. In total for 4 days, which is today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after the day after tomorrow, I had read 481 books (thats a lot of books), how much have I read for each day? (you can write some down and do some maths???)
= 481
In a heptagon, there is three different kind of angles, A, B and C. There is 4Bs, 1A and 2Cs. A is double C and C is double B, how much are A, B, C?
A = 300
C = 150
B = 75
I am a triangle, and I am a right angle triangle with the hypotenuse of 13 units, and my area is 3x that of a square, how big is the square?
10 (unit2)
Polygon A and Polygon B combined, have the angle sum same as Polygon C, with Polygon A and Polygon B's side sum of 10, how much sides does Polygon C have and what is it called?
(need to get both to get it right)
Polygon C = 8 sides
Name = Octagon
Which congruency rule applies to a triangle with the exact same outer sides?
#+# = %
give a set of numbers that works???
-2 + -2 = -4
-4 + -2 = -6
-6 + 14 = 8
8 = -2 x -4
# = -2, % = -4, $ = -6, * = 8
In a triangle, there is A, B and C. If A multiplied by B is same as C2, what are A, B and C?
(There could be more than one answer)
--just find one answer is fine---
A = B = C = 60
In a triangle, there is 3 angles, A, B and C.
A = (B-C)+80
B = C-A-20
C = {(B-A)2}/4
What are A, B and C?
A = 30
B = 50
C = 100
Name polygons with sides from 3 - 10
~Needs to get all of them, you can have 2 person answer this if it is in a team of 2 or more.
Triangle, Quadrilateral, Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon
Take a guess of what is RL
it is a weird congruency rule---
HL stands for???
if you guess it right, you get 500 pts
hypotenuse and a corresponding leg
1,1,1,2,3,4,3,5,7,5,7,10,8,9,13,13,11,16,21, what is the next three?
(There might be a few patterns combined here...)
13, 19, 34