The Bible is God's Word
The Bible is Perfect
The Bible is Made of 66 Books
The Bible Tells Us Who God Is
The Bible is Clear

What are the four points of the Bibliology. 

The Bible is inspired (2 Tim 3:16-17), inerrant (Psalm 19:7) (without error), authoritative (reigned over our lives, we sit under it), sufficient (2 Tim 3:16-17, all we need to live a life to honor God). 

The Bible is inspired, therefore it's inerrant, therefore it's sufficient and it's authoritative.


How many errors in the Bible? 

None. The Bible is perfect. 

Because God wrote the Bible (2 Tim 3:16) and God always speaks the truth (Hebrews 6:18), the Bible contains no errors and always true. 


How should Christians respond to the Biblical canon?

By treating it as the perfect Word of God and keeping it as the standard in their life.


How does the Bible teach us about God? 

Through its perfect words


From John 5:39-40, how the Jews misunderstand the Bible?

They missed the real center of the Bible-- Jesus as Christ. 


How should you respond to God's Word? 

believe it, Love it, study it, trust and obey it, confess sin, proclaim the gospel, worship God


Where the biblical writers learned the truths they wrote about?

Written revelation much better than eyewitness accounts 

(2 Peter 1:19-21)

Everything the human writers of Scripture wrote down was true and accurate, being exactly what God wanted written.


How many old testament books in the Bible and how many new testament books in the Bible? What term is used to refer to the -- books of the Bible?

39 in the old testament and 27 in the new testament



What is a covenant? 

A promise


What is the difference between illumination and interpretation? How many interpretation is there for a particular Bible passage?

illumination: Help believer to understand the passage

Interpretation: deciding what the Bible means

Only one right interpretation for each passage, uncover God's message (author's intent)  


What effects of does God's Word have on people?

God's Word saves the righteous and judges the unrighteous. 

2 Tim 3:13-15


Why is the Bible special compared to other books? 

It contains the perfect words of God. It's living, piercing, judging and exposing (Hebrews 4:12-13)

Word of God and God of Word are inseparable!


How do we know there are not more books that belong in the Bible? Give a Reference? 

The Bible tells us that it is complete and nothing more can be added to it. 

Revelation 22:18-19


Beside reveals the character of God, what else does the Bible reveals? 

1) The will of God, including His plan for salvation and plan for right living

2) The SON of God, both OT and NT


What does it mean when the Holy Spirit illuminates the Bible to a Christian? 

He helps believers to understand


Use your memory verse to explain how does the Bible impact Christians?

2 Timothy 3:16-17


Use your memory verse (2 Peter 1:21) to explain how the human writers of Scripture came up with the words and ideas of the Bible?

Holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. (superintended)

The written Word is perfectly true because its ultimate sources is God, not man. 


How do you define Canon as it relates to Scriptures? 

The canon is the collection of writings God gave us to be the Bible. 


The Bible is the R------- of God, telling us who _ _ _ _ and what _ _  _ _ _  _ _ _ _. 

self- revelation

who He is 

What He has done


The Bible is C----- and U---------- for all Christians? Why?

Clear and understandable 

1 John 5:20

The Holy Spirit illuminates the Bible to Christians.  


Define inspiration and explain how it makes scripture trustworthy

The words themselves come from God, and so the more literal idea is that the Bible is "God-breathed."

Proverb 30:5


How do we know the Bible is true? 

God says it is. (Psalm 19) The testimony of the Holy Spirit in believer's heart. 


Describe how the Biblical Canon formed.

1) God E---------the Biblical Canon.

2) God's people R------ the biblical Canon. 

1) God Established the Biblical Canon.

a) God Spoke Specific Words

b) God Selected Special Messengers

2) God's People Recognized the Biblical Canon. 


How does the Bible reveal the character of God?

Directly through statements (example Psalm 139)

Indirectly through stories (GOG lesson now - leviticus)


What is the purpose that apostle John wrote down the gospel of John as he carried along by the Holy Spirit?

Hint: a Bible verse you learnt

John 20:31
