Character Traits
Context Clues
Figurative Language

Mrs. Mackie wanted to learn more about Hippos. She borrowed books about the animal and even visited a zoo! What is a trait that describes Mrs. Mackie? 



It was very quiet when James walked inside. He returned the books in the return items drawer and went to the children’s section. He checked out two books and left with his parents. Where was James? 

In a library


What is the meaning of the bolded word: Tim was irate they lost the game, but he took a deep breath and then he felt better. 



What is a simile? 

A comparison of two things using "like" or "as" 


Annie’s class had a bridge building contest. Many students built their bridge out of toothpicks, but Annie built her bridge out of popsicle sticks to make it stronger. What is a trait that describes Annie? 



The floorboards creaked, trees whipped against the old tin roof and flashes of light lit up the entire night sky. I could feel the eerie feeling rise up from deep inside me, as I tiptoed down the hall into my parent’s bedroom. Why were they going to their parents' room?

They were scared of the storm.


What is the meaning of the bolded word: I didn't think the vase was plain at all! I thought it was quite ornate.


Intricate, complex


What is a metaphor? 

A comparison of two things without using "like" or "as" 


James got home and tossed his dirty clothes on the floor. He drank some milk, but didn’t put the carton back in the fridge. James also left crumbs on the floor. What is a trait that describes James? 

Irresponsible, Messy


Ben purposefully wore a baseball cap and sunglasses, as he silently entered the restaurant. He longed for a quiet meal by himself. He sat and drank his coffee and read the paper. He saw his name on the front page. He sighed as he closed it. As his meal was placed on the table, a flash went off and people began to yell out his name in excitement. “Ugh, they’ve found me,” he thought. What did Ben want and why was it difficult to achieve it? 

Ben wanted to enjoy some time alone, but it was hard because Ben is famous and the paparazzi are always following him to get a picture. 


What is the meaning of the bolded word: The queen looked regal in her bejeweled crown and silk robe. 

Royal, magnificent

The baby sounded like an alarm clock every morning



The students in room 208 had a guest speaker. They listened attentively and raised their hands when there was a question. What is a trait that describes the students? 

Respectful, Attentive


“Oh no!” said Julie as the shell fell into the cake batter. She precariously picked it out of the chocolate mixture. “Thank goodness I saved the cake!” Thought Julie. “I wouldn’t want to ruin little Jimmy’s birthday.” What had fallen into the mixture?

An egg shell


What is the meaning of the bolded word: Erica felt lethargic after running the Chicago Half Marathon. 

Sluggish, drowsy


The soup was a volcano as it spilled to the table.



Mrs. Thomas lived 2 miles away from school. She woke up at 5 in the morning to walk to school every day because she didn’t have a car. She never missed a single day of school! What is a trait that describes Mrs. Thomas? 

Hardworking, Dedicated, Perseverant 


“Bang!” The gun blasted as the men ran for their lives. The crowd cheered as Tim crossed the finish line first. His heart pounded in his chest. He had won gold for his country. What was Tim doing?

Running a race


What is the meaning of the bolded word: The meal given to me on the airplane was quite meager. It didn't look like it would fill me up. 

Inadequate, small


I could hear the playground whispering to me from my seat in the classroom.

