Counselors respect differing views towards disclosure of this
What is...
In which circumstances counselor do not keep information confidential?
In case of serious and foreseeable harm or when legal requirements require that info has to be revealed
Counselors make every effort to ensure that privacy and confidentiality of clients are maintained by subordinates, including...NAME ONE
What is...
students volunteers
clerical assistants
In BLANK work, counselors clearly explain the importance and parameters of confidentiality
What work
Counselors create and maintain records and documentation necessary for rendering what type of services.
Respecting the privacy of the client is known as
What is...
what are the conditions of disclosure
inform the clients
disclosure minimal information
BLANK will be informed of the team's existence and composition, information being shared and the purposes of sharing such information.
What is...the client
what is...who is "the client"
Only authorized persons
The cornerstone of the client/counselor relationship is this
What is...
what type of information a client must have regarding the treatment team
existence of the team
amount of information shared
the purpose of sharing information
Counselors discuss confidential information only in settings in which they can reasonably ensure BLANK
What is...client privacy
What is...federal and state laws, written policies and applicable ethical standards.
When clients request records counselors provide ______ and _______ to help the client interpret the records?
Assistance and consultation
Counselors can disclose information if BLANK
What is...
The client gives consent
How confidentiality is kept with group or family counseling
discuss the importance and the parameters of confidentiality and choose the client and write and agreement about expectations and limitations of confidentiality
Counselors disclose information to third-party payers ONLY when clients have BLANK such disclosure.
What is...authorized
Counselors inform parents and legal guardians about the role of counselors and the confidential nature of the counseling relationship, consistent with the BLANK and BLANK.
what is...current legal and custodial arrangement.
In the event a counselor can no longer practice, who do they assign to ensure the confidentiality and storage of client records are maintained?
A records custodian
Counselors can request private information from their clients if it is
What is..
beneficial to the counseling process
exceptions of disclosing information
minor or lacking capacity adult
Counselors protect the the confidentiality of deceased clients, consistent with legal requirements and the documented preferences of the BLANK.
What is...client
When counseling minor or adult clients who lack the capacity to give voluntary consent to release confidential information, counselors seek permission from BLANK to disclose information.
What appropriate third party.
When consulting peers regarding a patient, a counselor only discloses enough information to achieve what?
The purposes of a consultation