Intro to College
Career Goal Setting
Academic Goal Setting
Study Strategies
Wild Cards

What is a credit score?

A measure of your credit worthiness that ranges from 350-850


What are the stages of the goal discernment cycle?

Self-assessment, Goal exploration, Goal Setting


What must a student do to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress?

  • Maintain a GPA of at least 2.0
  • Successfully complete at least 67% of attempted credit hours

What does PSAR stand for

Prepare, Survey Annotate, Review


This method of note-taking includes a section that encourages students to think about the relationship between concepts

The Cornell note-taking system


What is the difference between dropping a class and withdrawing from a class?

If a student drops a class before the schedule adjustment period is over, the course does not appear on transcript. After that period is over, the course appears (as either W or WF).


This site offers several assessments for career exploration as well as information on job outlook and pay scales that is specific for North Carolina


True or False: The Transfer Assured Admissions Policy guarantees that a student who completes the AA or AS degree will be accepted into a specific UNC system school and major

False: TAAP guarantees admission into ONE of the UNC system schools, but does not guarantee a specific school or a specific major


What are the three types of visual organizers your book mentions

Concept maps, Venn diagrams, and informal outlines


This is the hardest kind of test question to strategize if you don’t know the answer

Fill in the blank


These are three types of credentials every community college in NC offers

Certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees


What is a reliable source of info about careers across the US that is published every two years by the Department of Labor?

The Occupational Outlook Handbook


What does SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Bound


What does SOARS stand for?

Singled out, on the board, asked, repeated, stressed


These are two UGETC Social and Behavior Science Courses

Possible answers: ECO 251, 252, HIS 111, 112, 131, 132, POL 120, PSY 150, SOC 21


What is FAFSA an acronym for?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid


What process gives you in-depth information about a career by talking to someone who is working in the career already?

The informational interview


This type of articulation agreement is between a specific community college associate of applied science program and a specific university.  It also depends on the students completing the AAS degree and earning a C or better in their transferable courses. 

Bilateral Agreement


What does KWL stand for?

What do I KNOW? What do I WANT to know? What did I LEARN?


These are the 4 steps in the process for answering multiple choice questions

1) Cover up answers 2) Read and annotate important part of question 3) Formulate your own answer and 4) Uncover answers and use process of elimination to select best answer


What is the open door policy?

This means that anyone who is a legal resident and has earned a high school credential may be admitted


What are the 6 Holland Code Categories and their primary attributes?

  • Investigative "Thinkers"
  • Artistic "Creators"
  • Social "Helpers"
  • Enterprising "Persuaders"
  • Conventional "Organizers"
  • Realistic "Doers"

What are the 16 UNC-System Schools of Higher Education

Appalachian State University 2. East Carolina University 3. Elizabeth City State University 4. Fayetteville State University 5. North Carolina A&T State University 6. North Carolina Central University 7. North Carolina State University 8. UNC Asheville 9. UNC-Chapel Hill 10. UNC Charlotte 11. UNC Greensboro 12. UNC Pembroke 13. UNC Wilmington 14. UNC School of the Arts 15. Western Carolina University 16. Winston-Salem State University


What is the mneumonic device that is a sentence in which the first letter of each word helps you remember a specific order or set?

Acrostic sentence


These goals focus on behaviors and actions instead of outcomes

Performance goals
