It's a "raw" number that expresses the number of births per 100 people
What is Crude Birth Rate?
This section of the Earth is characterized by molten rock moving in currents
What is the mantle?
This is the process where salt is removed from sea water to make it fit for human consumption
What is desalination?
Controversial chemicals like Agent Orange were originally intended to be used as these
What are pesticides?
This term refers to animals and plants not intended to be caught during fishing
What is by-catch?
From 1974 to 2022, the global population increased by 1 billion every time this many years elapsed
What is twelve years?
What is the lithosphere?
The Romans' brilliance was expressed in their clever aqueducts; their shortcomings were expressed in that they were made of this toxic element
What is lead?
In contrast to monocropping, this crop practice encourages healthier soil
What is crop rotation?
Removing a whole section of forest regardless of age or condition is referred to as this
What is clear-cutting?
This Asian nation has the highest life expectancy in the world; but is also aging at an unsustainable rate
What is Japan?
Soil is usually divided into four categories: clay, sand, silt, and this
What is loam?
Most natural water is trapped underground in reservoirs called these
What are aquifers?
People living in this desert of Tanzania cannot rely on consistent agriculture and are often nomadic
What is the Serengetti?
Fishery managers give these to fishers to regulate what amount they're allowed to catch
What are individual transferable quotas (ITQs)?
2.1% is considered the replacement level for this demographic statistic
What is replacement fertility rate?
After nitrogen and oxygen, it's the third most abundant element in the air
What is argon?
These are the leading pollutants and stressors in river water
What are bacteria?
The two cereal crops most often fed to livestock are corn and these
What are soybeans?
Selective logging wasn't able to save the butterfly populations on this Southeast Asian island
What is Borneo?
In 2022, this organization predicted the human population had reached 8 billion
What is the United Nations?
This is the form of soil degradation where machines and irrigation deplete the land
What is compaction?
This president, who resigned for the Watergate scandal, also championed clean water
Who is Nixon?
This scientist was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1970 for his work in crop science
Who is Borlaug?
Scientists Fogarty and Murawski conducted a study on this region to determine the effects of overfishing
What is Georges Bank?