
This event supposedly began in Europe because of a tactic used by Mongol forces at the siege of Caffa.
While fleeing this event, Boccaccio wrote The Decameron. Yersinia pestis caused this 14th century event, which killed up to 50% of Europe’s population.

What is the Black Death/Bubonic Plague?


A location on this body that was named after Octavia Butler in 2021 is within the Jezero crater. A vehicle that has been on this body for more than 300 sols carried the robotic helicopter Ingenuity. In 2021 NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on the famous “red planet".

What is Mars?


A painting by this artist shows a home he shared with Paul Gauguin and is called The Yellow House. A cypress tree and swirling clouds feature in a nightscape he painted in an asylum. This Dutch-born painter who mostly worked in late 19th-century France created Starry Night.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


A man in this play states that “our little life / is rounded with a sleep” after musing, “We are such stuff / as dreams are made on.” In this play, the spirit Ariel and the monstrous slave Caliban serve the sorcerer Prospero. This Shakespeare play begins with the title storm.

What is the Tempest?


Princedoms without strong heirs were absorbed into this colony via the doctrine of lapse. Grease-coated cartridges sparked the Sepoy Mutiny in this colony during its “Raj” period. Name this “jewel in the crown” of the British Empire, which governed it until 1947 from Calcutta.

What is British India?


This element, nitrogen, and oxygen comprise the most common form of saltpeter, an ingredient in gunpowder. This element’s name refers to its historic extraction from ashes soaked in a pot of water. This element with atomic symbol “K” can be obtained nutritionally in bananas.

What is Potassium?


Chrysus was a minor god of this substance. The Hesperides guarded a tree that produced fruit made of this substance. Dionysus gave a king of Phrygia the ability to turn objects into this substance. Being touched by Midas turned objects into this metal.

What is Gold?


A library belonging to this character is burned by a priest and a barber. This man, who pursues Dulcinea and rides a horse named Rocinate, travels with his squire Sancho Panza. Miguel de Cervantes created this eccentric knight who charges at windmills thinking they are giants.

Who is Don Quixote?


This emperor began building the Domus Aurea on the Oppian Hill. This Roman emperor’s suicide in AD 68 began the “Year of the Four Emperors” and may have been accompanied by the line “what an (*) artist dies in me.” This Roman emperor legendarily played his fiddle while Rome burned.

Who is Nero (Claudius Caesar Augustus Drusus Germanicus)?


This function of n is the number of permutations of n distinct items. For the integers from 1 to 5, this function outputs 1, 2, 6, 24, and 120. This function denoted by an exclamation mark gives the product of 1 times 2 times 3 times 4 and so on up through the input.

What is factorial function?


This hero gave up control of Argos to his cousin Megapenthes after accidentally killing his own grandfather Acrisius with a discus. This hero carried a helm of invisibility and a reflective shield when he decapitated a Gorgon. 

 What is Perseus?


At the end of this novel, Granger recalls the myth of the phoenix after observing a nuclear strike. After reciting “Dover Beach,” this novel’s protagonist is told to destroy his house by Captain Beatty. Guy Montag works as a “fireman” who burns books in this Ray Bradbury novel.

What is Fahrenheit 451?


This town was where the first issues of The Lily, the first woman-edited newspaper in the U.S., were printed. While living in this town, Amelia Bloomer popularized the women’s garment now called “bloomers.” In this town, a two-day conference partly organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton produced the Declaration of Sentiments. This upstate New York town hosted a landmark 1848 women’s rights convention?

What is Seneca Falls, New York?


When using this number as a base, the standard form is to avoid the sequence “one-one”. This number equals twice the cosine of 36 degrees. The continued fraction “1 plus 1 over 1 plus 1 over 1” and so on equals this number. This number is the larger root of ”x squared minus x minus 1” and is also the limiting ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers. “1 plus root 5 all over 2” equals this supposedly “beautiful” number.

What is the golden ratio?


This animal’s “dynamism” titles a Futurist painting by Giacomo Balla. One of these animals sleeps at the feet of the Venus of Urbino. A Friend in Need is one of a series that anthropomorphizes these animals. Cassius Marcellus Coolidge painted these animals “playing poker”.

What are dogs?


A woman in this novel becomes suddenly pious while on a spa trip to Germany, until she learns that Madame Stahl is faking a leg illness. This novel describes a steeplechase event that fatally injures the horse Frou-Frou. Kitty marries Levin in this novel after being infatuated with Count Vronsky. The claim “happy families are all alike” is made in this Leo Tolstoy novel named for an adulterous woman.

What is Anna Karenina?


This organization demanded a provision of indemnity in the “Solemn Engagement.” The Earl of Essex was prevented from leading this force by the Self-Denying Ordinance. Men opposed to this force were removed from office in Pride’s Purge. Thomas Fairfax led this group to victory at Naseby against Charles I [“the first”]. Oliver Cromwell was a cavalry commander this Roundhead army that won the First English Civil War.

What is New Model Army?


Two parameters psi and delta are measured from a change in this property in a non-destructive technique to determine a thin film’s refractive index and thickness. Changes in this property are measured in ellipsometry. States of this property are denoted s for senkrecht and p for parallel. Representations of this property include Stokes parameters and Jones vectors. Circular and linear are types of this property. This property is the orientation of a light wave.

What is polarization?


A goddess with this creature’s form was worshiped at Dendera and wore a menat necklace. The eight Heh gods are shown supporting Nut, who carries Ra on her back as she takes this creature’s form, in a book titled for a “heavenly” one. The lion-headed Sekhmet is identified with Hathor, who has the head of this animal, allowing her to hold a uraeus between her horns.

What is a cow?


This author wrote that "our fortunes must be wrought" at the "flaming forge of life" in a poem about a person who "looks the whole world in the face / for he owes not any man." This man, who described a "spreading chestnut-tree" in "The Village Blacksmith," wrote a poem that opens with the line "listen, my children, and you shall hear." This poet described the "midnight message" of a patriot in "Paul Revere's Ride"?

Who was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?
