Reviewing/Re-writing notes, making flashcards, and re-reading the textbook are all ways to...
Calling doctors/future employers/fancy restaurants and scheduling a time to come in or meet are examples of...
Making appointments/reservations
Using the stairs, parking in the back of the parking lot, going swimming or bike riding are all examples of...
Easy daily exercise
Two things you give to the hiring official before or at the interview.
Resume & Cover Letter
Ensuring your monetary goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely is an example of...
Se___ng Sm___t Go__s
Setting SMART Goals
Using a calendar or planner to map out a schedule for balancing school, homework, work, and social activities is an example of...
T____ M__________t
Time Management
A money saving alternative to going out to eat is...
Grocery Shopping/Making your own meals
Staying out all night is NOT a good way to...
G__ e_____ s______
Get enough sleep
Socially & Professionally connecting with people and using linked in are examples of...
Setting money aside for savings, allotting money for social spending, and making sure you always have enough for bills are examples of
Doing assignments ahead of time, checking due dates, and time management are all helpful for...
Turning in assignments on time
Writing checks or using auto-pay for your tuition/rent/utilities, etc is an example of...
Paying your bills
Talking to trusted friends/family, finding outlets, and going to therapy are all examples of...
Getting help/Dealing with emotional stress
Researching the company, practicing question answers, and dressing nicely are all ways to...
Prepare for an interview
Checking your bank account daily, being aware of every transaction you make, and ensuring every withdrawal was made by you are all examples of...
Monitoring your account/spending
Asking your peers questions, going to the academic support center, or hiring a tutor are all examples of...
G____ S_____y P__________n
Good study preparation
Paying money to a company every year so if you have an accident, you will receive a money pay out is called...
Health/Car/Home Insurance
Using birth control is an example of...
Being s___e a__ he___y
Being safe and healthy
Publishing your email and keeping Linked In/social medias updated are both examples of...
Being re____ble
Being reachable
Spending 70% of your paycheck, saving 20% of your paycheck, and investing the remaining 10% is an example of...
G___ B__d____g
Good Budgeting
Copying someone else's work without credit, submitting the same assignment to 2 different professors, and doing someone else's work for them are all examples of...
(Hint: You should never do these things!)
Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism
Seriously, don't.
Constantly eating out, excessively shopping, over-drafting your debit/credit card are NOT examples of...
G_____ M_____ M_________t
Good money management
Following the USDA Guidelines, checking nutrition labels, and avoiding junk foods are all ways to...
Eat healthy
Showing initiative, being on time, and being loyal/trustworthy are all ways to...
Keep your job
Never using your credit card, forgetting to pay off your credit card, and checking your score often are all NOT ways to...
Build/Maintain a good credit score