Key points

What are 3 ways to paraphrase a text?

> Change vocabulary / use synonyms
> Change sentence structure / word order
> Change word class / word family


What are 3 reading strategies we can use for academic texts?

> Skimming
> Scanning
> In-depth reading


What is a summary?

A shortened version of a text containing the key points in your own words.


What is plagiarism?

Taking someone else's work and presenting it as your own.


Find synonyms for the underlined words:

Scientists are attempting to produce a super rice by mixing genes of drought-tolerant plants.

Scientists are trying to create/make a super rice by combining/joining genes of drought-surviving plants.


When skimming, what are 5 areas of the text we can look at?

Title, headings, subheadings, introduction, conclusion, first/last sentence of a paragraph, highlighted text, diagrams, etc.


What are 3 steps to writing a summary?

1. Select key points

2. Paraphrase the points into notes

3. Combine the notes together using connective language


In which of these situations is plagiarism acceptable?

  1. you do not have the time to do the work yourself
  2. you do not have the energy to do the work yourself
  3. you think your lecturer will not notice
  4. you think your lecturer will not care
  5. you are not able to do the work yourself.



Change the word class of the words in bold:

One team has developed a potato that is resistant to certain diseases.

One team has finished development on a potato that has resistance to certain diseases.


What is the key point?
There are many chocolate brands but you might be wondering which is my favourite. That is question with a long answer. Over the years my favourite type of chocolate has changed as I've aged and my taste pallet has refined. I used to love the simple pleasures of Cadbury's dairy milk bar, however, while I still admit it is a reliably great chocolate, it has become a little too ordinary for my tastes. Then came the Yorkie bar, which was the favourite of my teenage years. It's chunky sections were satisfying to bite off one by one, each block packing a chocolatey punch. In the end, to answer your question, my favourite is the Galaxy chocolate bar.

Galaxy chocolate bar is the writer's favourite.


What are the 4 main categories of linking words in academic writing?

> Adding information
> Chronology
> Cause and effect
> Compare and contrast


What are 4 things that can be done to avoid plagiarism?

> Don't copy
> Use quotations
> Paraphrase
> Cite sources


Change the word order of this sentence:

Students are encouraged to complete homework early

To complete homework early is encouraged of students.
Early completion of homework is encouraged of students.
Encouragement is given to students to complete homework early.


What is the key point of this sentence:

One of the most noticeable phenomena in any big city, such as London or Paris, is the steadily increasing number of vehicles, some in private ownership, others belonging to the public transport system, which congest the roads and render rapid movement more difficult year by year.

One of the most noticeable phenomena in any big city, such as London or Paris, is the steadily increasing number of vehicles, some in private ownership, others belonging to the public transport system, which congest the roads and render rapid movement more difficult year by year. 

Big cities have growing traffic problems.


Summarise in fewer than 10 words:

It's not necessary to emphasise the enormous restrictions that blindness imposes upon the ordinary procedures of earning a living: we're only too well aware that we're in general more dependent on sight than on smell, touch or hearing. But it's worth pointing out that sight affects the knowledge of the world we receive through our other senses.

We depend on sight


Which of these is plagiarism:
A) Fully paraphrasing a sentence and citing the source.
B) Quoting a phrase and citing the source.
C) Taking words directly from the text and adding a few of your own and citing the source.

C) Taking words directly from the text and adding a few of your own and citing the source.


Use all 3 paraphrasing methods on this sentence:

Reasons for slower recovery times such as immune reactions or antibody response have been suggested but none confirmed.

A suggestion that antibody reaction and the effects of immunity are responsible for decreasing recovery speeds has received no confirmation.


Summarise in fewer than 10 words:

It is not uncommon to encounter sentences which, though they contain a great number of words and are constructed in a highly complex way, none the less turn out on inspection to convey very little meaning of any kind.

Some long and complicated sentences mean very little.
