Explain the acrosome reaction
Sperm binds to ZP3 on ZP-> this causes Increase in Calcium in the sperm releasing hyaluronidase and acrosin, which help digest the cumulus cells and ZP.
Name 6 sDOH
Food, Addiction, Social support, Transport, Work, Unemployment, Stress, Social exclusion, Education, Social gradient
Name innervation, including nerve roots and actions of brachioradialis and origin
Radial nerve (C5-T1) flexion at the elbow joint
Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus along with extensor carpi radialis longus
What are the terms for raised respiration rate, low respiration rate and no respiratory
Tachypnoea, Bradypnoea, Apnoea
What are the conditions for Hardy Weindberg equilibrium
no migration, no selective advantage of allele, random-mating, large population with minimal genetic drifting impact, no mutations
Explain the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in PCOS
High relative LH: FSH -> estrogen levels are constantly maintained however, still lower than normal (no LH surge or ovulation) -> altered hormone profile means that there is higher LDL: HDL ratio -> cardiovascular disease
Chronic stimulation of adrenals, including increase in cortisol
What are the parts of the HEEADSSS assessment
Home, Education/Employment, Eating/Exercise, Activities/peer relationships, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/self-harm/depression, Safety/Spirituality
What is the motor innervation to the lateral pterygoid (muscle of mastification)
Take a brief history
Site Onset Character Radiation Associated symptoms Timing Exacerbating Severity
What does a recombination distance less than 0.5 indicate in relation to Mendel's Law of independent assortment
0.5 -> 50% recombination in progeny-> independent assortment
so it indicates linkage
Name contents of the spermatic cord and layers of the spermatic cord
Transversalis fascia: Internal spermatic fascia
Internal oblique muscle: Cremasteric muscle
External oblique aponeurosis: External spermatic fascia
Contents: testicular artery, cremasteric artery, vas deferens and its artery, (3) pampiniform plexus, autonomic nerves and lymph
genitofemoral nerve through inguinal canal but NOT spermatic cord
What are the Aboriginal cultural influences
Obligation (care of children, sorry business, funerals)
Kinship and communication (family, in-law relations can be poison)
Connection to land
Health beliefs (SUNG, traditional healers, institutional racism)
Which artery primarily supplies the deep palmar arch and what does this arch bifercate into
radial artery
forms metatarsal arteries
supplies lateral forearm flexors
Heart attack vs cardiac arrest
Heart attack: blockage in coronary arteries
Cardiac arrest: malfunction in electrical activity of the heart: typically what we use CPR to treat
Paternal: huntingtons
Maternal: myotonic dystrophy
Explain the increased height and increased SHBG levels in Klinefelter
- Decreased testosterone means that epiphyseal growth plate fusion occurs later (despite increased Estrogen)
- The normal insulin levels but decreased Testosterone levels prevents the inhibition of SHBG production in liver
(In PCOS: high insulin and high androgens -> decrease SHBG)
What impacts an individuals illness perception (5)
Identity: label+symptoms
Which muscles insert/originate on the olecranon process of the humerus (2)
Triceps brachii
Flexor carpi ulnaris (Guyon's canal)
Describe proper sizing for a blood pressure cuff
1. Blood pressure width: 40% arm circumference
2. Bladder: 80% of arm circumference
Name four acrocentric chromosomes
Which ligaments in the female are remnants of the gubernaculum
Name the divisions of the broad ligament
Broad ligament: mesovarian, mesosalphinx, mesometrium
Round ligament and ovarian ligament
Name the 5 parts of chronic disease model for health service level change
Organisational influences
It systems
Delivery system
Health promotion and management
Community health integration
What is the myotome for S1,S2
Left superior gluteal nerve lesion
What are the GALS movements
3 shoulder: 2 shoulder and one thumb on back: check back as well
2: elbow movements
4: fingers, 3 hand squeezing, opposition
S: 2 big spine movements, 3 neck movements
- Gait, Legs (squats)
What is the mutation for genetic chronic myelogenous leukaemia